Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice


Class ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice

This node implements the Exclusive Choice workflow pattern.

The Exclusive Choice workflow pattern defines multiple possible paths for the workflow of which exactly one is chosen based on the conditions set for the out nodes.

Incoming nodes: 1 Outgoing nodes: 2..*

This example displays how you can use an exclusive choice to select one of two possible branches depending on the workflow variable 'value' which is read using an input node.

  1.  <?php
  2.  $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' );
  4.  // wait for input into the workflow variable value.
  5.  $input = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput( array( 'value' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsInt ) );
  6.  $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $input );
  8.  // create the exclusive choice branching node
  9.  $choice = new ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice;
  10.  $intput->addOutNode( $choice );
  12.  $branch1 = ....; // create nodes for the first branch of execution here..
  13.  $branch2 = ....; // create nodes for the second branch of execution here..
  15.  // add the outnodes and set the conditions on the exclusive choice
  16.  $choice->addConditionalOutNode( new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable( 'value',
  17.                                                                   new ezcWorkflowConditionGreaterThan( 10 ) ),
  18.                                 $branch1 );
  19.  $choice->addConditionalOutNode( new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable( 'value',
  20.                                                                   new ezcWorkflowConditionLessThan( 11 ) ),
  21.                                 $branch2 );
  23.  // Merge the two branches together and continue execution.
  24.  $merge = new ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge();
  25.  $merge->addInNode( $branch1 );
  26.  $merge->addInNode( $branch2 );
  27.  $merge->addOutNode( $workflow->endNode );
  28.  ?>

Source for this file: /Workflow/src/nodes/control_flow/exclusive_choice.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Constants

From ezcWorkflowNode:
ezcWorkflowNode::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION    The node is waiting to be activated.
ezcWorkflowNode::WAITING_FOR_EXECUTION    The node is activated and waiting to be executed.

Member Variables

protected integer $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = 1
Constraint: The maximum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node may activate. Set to false to disable this constraint.
protected integer $minActivatedConditionalOutNodes = 1
Constraint: The minimum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node has to activate. Set to false to disable this constraint.
protected integer $minConditionalOutNodes = 2
Constraint: The minimum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node has to have. Set to false to disable this constraint.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch
protected ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch::$configuration
From ezcWorkflowNodeBranch
protected ezcWorkflowNodeBranch::$maxOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNodeBranch::$minOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNodeBranch::$startNewThreadForBranch
From ezcWorkflowNode
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$activatedFrom
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$activationState
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$id
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$inNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$internalCall
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$maxInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$minInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$numInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$numOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$outNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$state
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$threadId

Inherited Methods

From ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch::addConditionalOutNode()
Adds the conditional outgoing node $outNode to this node with the condition $condition. Optionally, an $else node can be specified that is activated when the $condition evaluates to false.
public void ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch::verify()
Checks this node's constraints.
From ezcWorkflowNodeBranch
protected boolean ezcWorkflowNodeBranch::activateOutgoingNodes()
Activates this node's outgoing nodes.
From ezcWorkflowNode
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::__construct()
Constructs a new node with the configuration $configuration.
public void ezcWorkflowNode::accept()
Reimplementation of accept() calls accept on all out nodes.
protected void ezcWorkflowNode::activateNode()
Convenience method for activating an (outgoing) node.
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::addInNode()
Adds a node to the incoming nodes of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::addOutNode()
Adds a node to the outgoing nodes of this node.
public mixed ezcWorkflowNode::getConfiguration()
Returns the configuration of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode[] ezcWorkflowNode::getInNodes()
Returns the incoming nodes of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode[] ezcWorkflowNode::getOutNodes()
Returns the outgoing nodes of this node.
public boolean ezcWorkflowNode::removeInNode()
Removes a node from the incoming nodes of this node.
public boolean ezcWorkflowNode::removeOutNode()
Removes a node from the outgoing nodes of this node.
public void ezcWorkflowNode::verify()
Checks this node's constraints.
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