Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWorkflowNodeInput


Class ezcWorkflowNodeInput

An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeInput class represents an input (from the application) node.

When the node is reached, the workflow engine will suspend the workflow execution if the specified input data is not available (first activation). While the workflow is suspended, the application that embeds the workflow engine may supply the input data and resume the workflow execution (second activation of the input node). Input data is stored in a workflow variable.

Incoming nodes: 1 Outgoing nodes: 1

This example creates a simple workflow that expectes two input variables, once which can be any value and another that can only be an integer between one and ten.

  1.  <?php
  2.  $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' );
  4.  $input = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(
  5.    'mixedVar' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsAnything,
  6.    'intVar'   => new ezcWorkflowConditionAnd(
  7.      array(
  8.        new ezcWorkflowConditionIsInteger,
  9.        new ezcWorkflowConditionIsGreatherThan( 0 )
  10.        new ezcWorkflowConditionIsLessThan( 11 )
  11.      )
  12.    )
  13.  );
  15.  $input->addOutNode( $workflow->endNode );
  16.  $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $input );
  17.  ?>

Source for this file: /Workflow/src/nodes/variables/input.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Constants

From ezcWorkflowNode:
ezcWorkflowNode::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION    The node is waiting to be activated.
ezcWorkflowNode::WAITING_FOR_EXECUTION    The node is activated and waiting to be executed.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcWorkflowNode
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$activatedFrom
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$activationState
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$configuration
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$id
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$inNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$internalCall
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$maxInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$maxOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$minInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$minOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$numInNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$numOutNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$outNodes
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$state
protected ezcWorkflowNode::$threadId

Method Summary

public ezcWorkflowNodeInput __construct( [ $configuration = ''] )
Constructs a new input node.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWorkflowNode
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::__construct()
Constructs a new node with the configuration $configuration.
public void ezcWorkflowNode::accept()
Reimplementation of accept() calls accept on all out nodes.
protected void ezcWorkflowNode::activateNode()
Convenience method for activating an (outgoing) node.
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::addInNode()
Adds a node to the incoming nodes of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode::addOutNode()
Adds a node to the outgoing nodes of this node.
public mixed ezcWorkflowNode::getConfiguration()
Returns the configuration of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode[] ezcWorkflowNode::getInNodes()
Returns the incoming nodes of this node.
public ezcWorkflowNode[] ezcWorkflowNode::getOutNodes()
Returns the outgoing nodes of this node.
public boolean ezcWorkflowNode::removeInNode()
Removes a node from the incoming nodes of this node.
public boolean ezcWorkflowNode::removeOutNode()
Removes a node from the outgoing nodes of this node.
public void ezcWorkflowNode::verify()
Checks this node's constraints.



ezcWorkflowNodeInput __construct( [mixed $configuration = ''] )

Constructs a new input node.

An input node accepts an array of workflow variables to accept and/or together with a condition on the variable if required.

Each element in the configuration array must be either String: The name of the workflow variable to require. No conditions.


  • Key: The name of the workflow variable to require.
  • Value: An object of type ezcWorkflowCondition
Name Type Description
$configuration mixed
Type Description
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWorkflowNode::__construct() Constructs a new node with the configuration $configuration.
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