Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWorkflow


Class ezcWorkflow

Class representing a workflow.

Source for this file: /Workflow/src/workflow.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


ezcWorkflowDefinitonStorage read/write $definitionStorage
The definition handler used to fetch sub workflows on demand. This property is set automatically if you load a workflow using a workflow definition storage.
ezcWorkflowNodeEnd read $endNode
The default end node of the workflow.
ezcWorkflowNodeFinally read $finallyNode
The start of a node sequence that is executed when a workflow execution is cancelled.
int read/write $id
Unique ID set automatically by the definition handler when the workflow is stored.
string read/write $name
A unique name (accross the system) for this workflow.
array(ezcWorkflowNode) read $nodes
All the nodes of this workflow.
ezcWorkflowNodeStart read $startNode
The unique start node of the workflow.
int read/write $version
The version of the workflow. This must be incremented manually whenever you want a new version.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array(
'definitionStorage' => null,
'id' => false,
'name' => '',
'startNode' => null,
'endNode' => null,
'finallyNode' => null,
'version' => 1

Container to hold the properties
protected array $variableHandlers = array()
The variable handlers of this workflow.

Method Summary

public ezcWorkflow __construct( $name , [ $startNode = null] , [ $endNode = null] , [ $finallyNode = null] )
Constructs a new workflow object with the name $name.
public void accept( $visitor )
Overridden implementation of accept() calls accept on the start node.
public void addVariableHandler( $variableName , $className )
Sets the class $className to handle the variable named $variableName.
public integer count( )
Returns the number of nodes of this workflow.
public array getVariableHandlers( )
Returns the variable handlers.
public boolean hasSubWorkflows( )
Returns true when the workflow has sub workflows (ie. when it contains ezcWorkflowNodeSubWorkflow nodes) and false otherwise.
public boolean isInteractive( )
Returns true when the workflow requires user interaction (ie. when it contains ezcWorkflowNodeInput nodes) and false otherwise.
public boolean removeVariableHandler( $variableName )
Removes the handler for $variableName and returns true on success.
public void reset( )
Resets the nodes of this workflow.
public void setVariableHandlers( $variableHandlers )
Sets handlers for multiple variables.
public void verify( )
Verifies the specification of this workflow.



ezcWorkflow __construct( string $name , [ezcWorkflowNodeStart $startNode = null] , [ezcWorkflowNodeEnd $endNode = null] , [ezcWorkflowNodeFinally $finallyNode = null] )

Constructs a new workflow object with the name $name.

Use $startNode and $endNode parameters if you don't want to use the default start and end nodes.

$name must uniquely identify the workflow within the system.

Name Type Description
$name string The name of the workflow.
$startNode ezcWorkflowNodeStart The start node of the workflow.
$endNode ezcWorkflowNodeEnd The default end node of the workflow.
$finallyNode ezcWorkflowNodeFinally The start of a node sequence that is executed when a workflow execution is cancelled.


void accept( ezcWorkflowVisitor $visitor )

Overridden implementation of accept() calls accept on the start node.

Name Type Description
$visitor ezcWorkflowVisitor
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcWorkflowVisitable::accept() Accepts the visitor.


void addVariableHandler( string $variableName , string $className )

Sets the class $className to handle the variable named $variableName.

$className must be the name of a class implementing the ezcWorkflowVariableHandler interface.

Name Type Description
$variableName string
$className string
Type Description
ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException if $className does not contain the name of a valid class implementing ezcWorkflowVariableHandler


integer count( )

Returns the number of nodes of this workflow.

Implementation of:
Method Description


array getVariableHandlers( )

Returns the variable handlers.

The format of the returned array is array( 'variableName' => ezcWorkflowVariableHandler )


boolean hasSubWorkflows( )

Returns true when the workflow has sub workflows (ie. when it contains ezcWorkflowNodeSubWorkflow nodes) and false otherwise.


boolean isInteractive( )

Returns true when the workflow requires user interaction (ie. when it contains ezcWorkflowNodeInput nodes) and false otherwise.


boolean removeVariableHandler( string $variableName )

Removes the handler for $variableName and returns true on success.

Returns false if no handler was set for $variableName.

Name Type Description
$variableName string


void reset( )

Resets the nodes of this workflow.

See the documentation of ezcWorkflowVisitorReset for details.


void setVariableHandlers( $variableHandlers )

Sets handlers for multiple variables.

The format of $variableHandlers is array( 'variableName' => ezcWorkflowVariableHandler )

Name Type Description
$variableHandlers array
Type Description
ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException if $className does not contain the name of a valid class implementing ezcWorkflowVariableHandler


void verify( )

Verifies the specification of this workflow.

See the documentation of ezcWorkflowVisitorVerification for details.

Type Description
ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException if the specification of this workflow is not correct.
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