Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageConverter


Class ezcImageConverter

Class to manage conversion and filtering of image files.

This class is highly recommended to be used with an external singleton pattern to have just 1 converter in place over the whole application.

As back-ends 2 handler classes are available, of which at least 1 has to be configured during the instantiation of the ezcImageConverter. Both handlers utilize different image manipulation tools and are capable of different sets of filters:

A general example, how to use ezcImageConversion to convert images:

  1.  // Prepare settings for ezcImageConverter
  2.  // Defines the handlers to utilize and auto conversions.
  3.  $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(
  4.      array(
  5.          new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'GD',          'ezcImageGdHandler' ),
  6.          new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'ImageMagick', 'ezcImageImagemagickHandler' ),
  7.      ),
  8.      array(
  9.          'image/gif' => 'image/png',
  10.          'image/bmp' => 'image/jpeg',
  11.      )
  12.  );
  14.  // Create the converter itself.
  15.  $converter = new ezcImageConverter( $settings );
  17.  // Define a transformation
  18.  $filters = array(
  19.      new ezcImageFilter(
  20.          'scaleWidth',
  21.          array(
  22.              'width'     => 100,
  23.              'direction' => ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_BOTH,
  24.          )
  25.      ),
  26.      new ezcImageFilter(
  27.          'colorspace',
  28.          array(
  29.              'space' => ezcImageColorspaceFilters::COLORSPACE_GREY,
  30.          )
  31.      ),
  32.  );
  34.  // Which MIME types the conversion may output
  35.  $mimeTypes = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' );
  37.  // Create the transformation inside the manager
  38.  $converter->createTransformation( 'thumbnail', $filters, $mimeTypes );
  40.  // Transform an image.
  41.  $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', dirname(__FILE__).'/jpeg.jpg', dirname(__FILE__).'/jpeg_thumb.jpg' );

It's recommended to create only a single ezcImageConverter instance in your application to avoid creating multiple instances of it's internal objects. You can implement a singleton pattern for this, which might look similar to the following example:

  1.  function getImageConverterInstance()
  2.  {
  3.      if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['_ezcImageConverterInstance'] ) )
  4.      {
  5.          // Prepare settings for ezcImageConverter
  6.          // Defines the handlers to utilize and auto conversions.
  7.          $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(
  8.              array(
  9.                  new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'GD',          'ezcImageGdHandler' ),
  10.                  new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'ImageMagick', 'ezcImageImagemagickHandler' ),
  11.              ),
  12.              array(
  13.                  'image/gif' => 'image/png',
  14.                  'image/bmp' => 'image/jpeg',
  15.              )
  16.          );
  19.          // Create the converter itself.
  20.          $converter = new ezcImageConverter( $settings );
  22.          // Define a transformation
  23.          $filters = array(
  24.              new ezcImageFilter(
  25.                  'scale',
  26.                  array(
  27.                      'width'     => 100,
  28.                      'height'    => 300,
  29.                      'direction' => ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_BOTH,
  30.                  )
  31.              ),
  32.              new ezcImageFilter(
  33.                  'colorspace',
  34.                  array(
  35.                      'space' => ezcImageColorspaceFilters::COLORSPACE_SEPIA,
  36.                  )
  37.              ),
  38.              new ezcImageFilter(
  39.                  'border',
  40.                  array(
  41.                      'width' => 5,
  42.                      'color' => array(255, 0, 0),
  43.                  )
  44.              ),
  45.          );
  47.          // Which MIME types the conversion may output
  48.          $mimeTypes = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' );
  50.          // Create the transformation inside the manager
  51.          $converter->createTransformation( 'funny', $filters, $mimeTypes );
  53.          // Assign singleton instance
  54.          $GLOBALS['_ezcImageConverterInstance'] = $converter;
  55.      }
  57.      // Return singleton instance
  58.      return $GLOBALS['_ezcImageConverterInstance'];
  59.  }
  61.  // ...
  62.  // Somewhere else in the code...
  63.  // Transform an image.
  64.  getImageConverterInstance()->transform( 'funny', dirname(__FILE__).'/jpeg.jpg', dirname(__FILE__).'/jpeg_singleton.jpg' );

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/converter.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected array(ezcImageHandler) $handlers = array()
Keeps the handlers used by the converter.
protected ezcImageConverterSettings $settings
Manager settings Settings basis for all image manipulations.
protected array $transformations = array()
Stores transformation registered with this converter.

Method Summary

public ezcImageConverter __construct( $settings )
Initialize converter with settings object.
public bool allowsInput( $mime )
Returns if a handler is found, supporting the given MIME type for output.
public bool allowsOutput( $mime )
Returns if a handler is found, supporting the given MIME type for output.
public void applyFilter( $filter , $inFile , $outFile , [ $handlerName = null] )
Apply a single filter to an image.
public ezcImageTransformation createTransformation( $name , $filters , $mimeOut , [ $saveOptions = null] )
Create a transformation in the manager.
public array(string) getFilterNames( )
Returns a list of enabled filters.
public ezcImageHandler getHandler( [ $filterName = null] , [ $mimeIn = null] , [ $mimeOut = null] )
Returns a handler object for direct use.
public string getMimeOut( $mimeIn )
Returns the MIME type that will be outputted for a given input type.
public mixed hasFilter( $name )
Returns if a given filter is available.
public ezcImageTransformation removeTransformation( $name )
Removes a transformation from the manager.
public void transform( $name , $inFile , $outFile )
Apply transformation on a file.



ezcImageConverter __construct( ezcImageConverterSettings $settings )

Initialize converter with settings object.

The ezcImageConverter can be directly instantiated, but it's highly recommended to use a manual singleton implementation to have just 1 instance of a ezcImageConverter per Request.

ATTENTION: The ezcImageConverter does not support animated GIFs. Animated GIFs will simply be ignored by all filters and conversions.

Name Type Description
$settings ezcImageConverterSettings Settings for the converter.
Type Description
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If a given MIME type is not supported.
ezcImageHandlerSettingsInvalidException If handler settings are invalid.


bool allowsInput( string $mime )

Returns if a handler is found, supporting the given MIME type for output.

Name Type Description
$mime string The MIME type to check for.


bool allowsOutput( string $mime )

Returns if a handler is found, supporting the given MIME type for output.

Name Type Description
$mime string The MIME type to check for.


void applyFilter( ezcImageFilter $filter , string $inFile , string $outFile , [string $handlerName = null] )

Apply a single filter to an image.

Applies just a single filter to an image. Optionally you can select a handler yourself, which is not recommended, but possible. If the specific handler does not have that filter, ImageConverter will try to fall back on another handler.

Name Type Description
$filter ezcImageFilter Filter object to apply.
$inFile string Name of the input file.
$outFile string Name of the output file.
$handlerName string To choose a specific handler, this is the reference named passed to ezcImageHandlerSettings.
Type Description
ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException If fitting handler is not available.
ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException If filter is not available.
ezcImageFileNameInvalidException If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name.


ezcImageTransformation createTransformation( string $name , $filters , $mimeOut , [ezcImageSaveOptions $saveOptions = null] )

Create a transformation in the manager.

Creates a transformation and stores it in the manager. A reference to the transformation is returned by this method for further manipulation and to set options on it. The $name can later be used to remove a transfromation using removeTransformation() or to execute it using transform(). The $filters and $mimeOut parameters specify the transformation actions as described with ezcImageTransformation::__construct(). The $saveOptions are used when the finally created image is saved and can configure compression and quality options.

Name Type Description
$name string Name for the transformation.
$filters array(ezcImageFilter) Filters.
$mimeOut array(string) Output MIME types.
$saveOptions ezcImageSaveOptions Save options.
Type Description
ezcImageTransformationAlreadyExists If a transformation with the given name does already exist.
ezcImageFiltersException If a given filter does not exist.


array(string) getFilterNames( )

Returns a list of enabled filters.

Gives you an overview on filters enabled in the manager. Format is:

  1.  array(
  2.   '<filterName>',
  3.  );


ezcImageHandler getHandler( [string $filterName = null] , [string $mimeIn = null] , [string $mimeOut = null] )

Returns a handler object for direct use.

Returns the handler with the highest priority, that supports the given filter, MIME input type and MIME output type. All parameters are optional, if none is specified, the highest prioritized handler is returned.

If no handler is found, that supports the criteria named, an exception of type ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException will be thrown.

Name Type Description
$filterName string Name of the filter to search for.
$mimeIn string Input MIME type.
$mimeOut string Output MIME type.
Type Description
ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException If a handler for the given specification could not be found.


string getMimeOut( string $mimeIn )

Returns the MIME type that will be outputted for a given input type.

Checks whether the given input type can be processed. If not, an exception is thrown. Checks then, if an implicit conversion for that MIME type is defined. If so, outputs the given output MIME type. In every other case, just outputs the MIME type given, because no conversion is implicitly required.

Name Type Description
$mimeIn string Input MIME type.
Type Description
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If the input MIME type is not supported.


mixed hasFilter( string $name )

Returns if a given filter is available.

Returns either an array of handler names this filter is available in or false if the filter is not enabled.

Name Type Description
$name string Name of the filter to query existance for


ezcImageTransformation removeTransformation( string $name )

Removes a transformation from the manager.

Name Type Description
$name string Name of the transformation to remove
Type Description
ezcImageTransformationNotAvailableExeption If the requested transformation is unknown.


void transform( string $name , string $inFile , string $outFile )

Apply transformation on a file.

This applies the given transformation to the given file.

Name Type Description
$name string Name of the transformation to perform
$inFile string The file to transform
$outFile string The file to save transformed version to
Type Description
ezcImageTransformationNotAvailableExeption If the requested transformation is unknown.
ezcBaseFilePermissionException If the file you are trying to transform is not readable.
ezcImageTransformationException If an error occurs during the transformation. The returned exception contains the exception the problem resulted from in it's public $parent attribute.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If the file you are trying to transform does not exists.
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