Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageTransformation


Class ezcImageTransformation

Provides transformations on images using filters and MIME conversions.

Objects of this class group MIME type conversion and filtering of images into transformations of images. Transformations can be chained by referencing to another transformation so that multiple transformations will be produced after each other.

  1.  $filters = array(
  2.    new ezcImageFilter( 'scaleDownByWidth',
  3.                         array(
  4.                             'width' => 100
  5.                         )
  6.        ),
  7.    new ezcImageFilter( 'crop',
  8.                         array(
  9.                             'x' => 0,
  10.                             'y' => 0,
  11.                             'width'  => 100,
  12.                             'height' => 100,
  13.                         )
  14.        ),
  15.  );
  16.  $mimeTypes = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' );
  18.  // ezcImageTransformation object returned for further manipulation
  19.  $thumbnail = $converter->createTransformation(
  20.       'thumbnail',
  21.       $filters,
  22.       $mimeTypes
  23.  );
  25.  $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal1.jpg',
  26.                         'var/storage/myThumbnail1' ); // res: image/jpeg
  27.  $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal2.png',
  28.                         'var/storage/myThumbnail2' ); // res: image/png
  29.  $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal3.gif',
  30.                         'var/storage/myThumbnail3' ); // res: image/.png
  32.  // Animated GIF, will simply be copied!
  33.  $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal4.gif',
  34.                         'var/storage/myThumbnail4' ); // res: image/gif

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/transformation.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected ezcImageConverter $converter
The ezcImageConverter
protected array(ezcImageFilter) $filters
Stores the filters utilized by a transformation.
protected ezcImageHandler $lastHandler
The handler last used for filtering.
protected array(string) $mimeOut
Array of MIME types allowed as output for this transformation.

Leave empty, for all MIME types to be allowed.

protected string $name
Stores the name of this transformation.
protected ezcSaveOptions $saveOptions
Options for the final save step.

Method Summary

public ezcImageTransformation __construct( $converter , $name , [ $filters = array()] , [ $mimeOut = array()] , [ $saveOptions = null] )
Initialize transformation.
public void addFilter( $filter , [ $before = null] )
Add a filter to the conversion.
public string getOutMime( $fileIn , [ $mimeIn = null] )
Determine output MIME type Returns the MIME type that the transformation will output.
protected void setFilters( $filters )
Set the filters for this transformation.
protected void setMimeOut( $mime )
Sets the MIME types which are allowed for output.
public void setSaveOptions( $options )
Sets the save options.
public void transform( $fileIn , $fileOut )
Apply the given filters for the transformation.



ezcImageTransformation __construct( ezcImageConverter $converter , string $name , [ $filters = array()] , [ $mimeOut = array()] , [ezcImageSaveOptions $saveOptions = null] )

Initialize transformation.

Name Type Description
$converter ezcImageConverter The global converter.
$name string Name for the transformation.
$filters array(ezcImageFilter) Filters to apply.
$mimeOut array(string) Output MIME types.
$saveOptions ezcImageSaveOptions Options for saving images.
Type Description
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If the output type is unsupported.
ezcImageFiltersException On invalid filter or filter settings error.


void addFilter( ezcImageFilter $filter , [int $before = null] )

Add a filter to the conversion.

Adds a filter with the specific settings. Filters can be added either before an existing filter or at the end (leave out $before parameter).

Name Type Description
$filter ezcImageFilter The filter definition.
$before int Where to add the filter
Type Description
ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException If the given filter is not available.


string getOutMime( string $fileIn , [string $mimeIn = null] )

Determine output MIME type Returns the MIME type that the transformation will output.

Name Type Description
$fileIn string File that should deal as input for the transformation.
$mimeIn string Specify the MIME type, so method does not need to.
Type Description
ezcImageAnalyzerException If the input type is unsupported.


void setFilters( $filters )

Set the filters for this transformation.

Checks if the filters defined are available and saves them to the created transformation if everything is okay.

Name Type Description
$filters array(ezcImageFilter) Array of filter objects.
Type Description
ezcBaseFileException If the filter array contains invalid object entries.
ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException If a filter is not available.


void setMimeOut( $mime )

Sets the MIME types which are allowed for output.

Name Type Description
$mime array MIME types to allow output for.
Type Description
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If the MIME types cannot be used as output of any of the handlers in the converter.


void setSaveOptions( ezcImageSaveOptions $options )

Sets the save options.

Sets the save options, that are used for the final save step of the transformation.


Name Type Description
$options ezcImageSaveOptions Save options.


void transform( string $fileIn , string $fileOut )

Apply the given filters for the transformation.

Applies the conversion as defined to the given file and saves it as defined.

Name Type Description
$fileIn string The file to transform.
$fileOut string The file to save the transformed image to.
Type Description
ezcImageTransformationException If an error occurs during the transformation. The returned exception contains the exception the problem resulted from in it's public $parent attribute.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If the file you are trying to transform does not exists.
ezcBaseFilePermissionException If the file you are trying to transform is not readable.
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