Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageSaveOptions


Class ezcImageSaveOptions

Options class for ezcImageHandler->save() methods.

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/options/save_options.php

Version:   //autogen//


int read/write $compression
The compression level to use, if compression is supported by the target format (e.g. TIFF). A value between 0 and 9 (incl.) is expected.
int read/write $quality
A quality indicator used to determine the quality of the target image, if supported by the target format (e.g. JPEG). A value between 0 and 100 (incl.) is expected.
array(int) read/write $transparencyReplacementColor
Only certain image formats support transparent backgrounds (e.g. GIF and PNG). If such images are converted to a format that does not support transparency, this color will be used as the new background. The color value is given as an array of integers, each representing a color value in RGB between 0 and 255.
  1. array( 255, 0, 0 )
for example would be pure red.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array(
"compression" => null,
"quality" => null,
"transparencyReplacementColor" => null,


Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.
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