Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageEffectFilters


Interface ezcImageEffectFilters

This interface has to be implemented by ezcImageFilters classes to support effect filters.

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/interfaces/effect.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void border( $width , $color )
Border filter.
public void noise( $value )
Noise filter.
public void swirl( $value )
Swirl filter.



void border( int $width , $color )

Border filter.

Adds a border to the image. The width is measured in pixel. The color is defined in an array of hex values:

  1.  array(
  2.       0 => <red value>,
  3.       1 => <green value>,
  4.       2 => <blue value>,
  5.  );
Name Type Description
$width int Width of the border.
$color array(int) Color.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException No loaded file could be found or an error destroyed a loaded reference.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.


void noise( strings $value )

Noise filter.

Apply a noise transformation to the image. Valid values are the following strings:

  • 'Uniform'
  • 'Gaussian'
  • 'Multiplicative'
  • 'Impulse'
  • 'Laplacian'
  • 'Poisson'
Name Type Description
$value strings Noise value as described above.
Type Description
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException No loaded file could be found or an error destroyed a loaded reference.


void swirl( int $value )

Swirl filter.

Applies a swirl with the given intense to the image.

Name Type Description
$value int Intense of swirl.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException No loaded file could be found or an error destroyed a loaded reference.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
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