Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaMysqlWriter


Class ezcDbSchemaMysqlWriter

Handler for storing database schemas and applying differences that uses MySQL as backend.

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/handlers/mysql/writer.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter
protected ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::$queries
protected ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::$schema

Method Summary

public void applyDiffToDb( $db , $dbSchemaDiff )
Applies the differences defined in $dbSchemaDiff to the database referenced by $db.
public array(string) convertDiffToDDL( $dbSchemaDiff )
Returns the differences definition in $dbSchema as database specific SQL DDL queries.
protected string convertFromGenericType( $fieldDefinition )
Converts the generic field type contained in $fieldDefinition to a database specific field definition.
protected void generateAddFieldSql( $tableName , $fieldName , $fieldDefinition )
Adds a "alter table" query to add the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.
protected void generateAddIndexSql( $tableName , $indexName , $indexDefinition )
Adds a "alter table" query to add the index $indexName to the table $tableName with definition $indexDefinition to the internal list of queries
protected void generateChangeFieldSql( $tableName , $fieldName , $fieldDefinition )
Adds a "alter table" query to change the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.
protected void generateCreateTableSql( $tableName , $tableDefinition )
Adds a "create table" query for the table $tableName with definition $tableDefinition to the internal list of queries.
protected string generateCreateTableSqlStatement( $tableName )
Returns a "CREATE TABLE" SQL statement part for the table $tableName.
protected void generateDiffSchemaTableAsSql( $tableName , $tableDiff )
Generates queries to upgrade a the table $tableName with the differences in $tableDiff.
protected void generateDropFieldSql( $tableName , $fieldName )
Adds a "alter table" query to drop the field $fieldName from $tableName.
protected void generateDropIndexSql( $tableName , $indexName )
Adds a "alter table" query to remote the index $indexName from the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.
protected void generateDropTableSql( $tableName )
Adds a "drop table" query for the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.
protected string generateFieldSql( $fieldName , $fieldDefinition )
Returns a column definition for $fieldName with definition $fieldDefinition.
public int getDiffWriterType( )
Returns what type of schema difference writer this class implements.
public int getWriterType( )
Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter
public array(string) ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::convertToDDL()
Returns an array with SQL DDL statements that creates the database definition in $dbSchema
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateAddFieldSql()
Adds a "alter table" query to add the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateAddIndexSql()
Adds a "alter table" query to add the index $indexName to the table $tableName with definition $indexDefinition to the internal list of queries
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateChangeFieldSql()
Adds a "alter table" query to change the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.
protected void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateCreateTableSql()
Adds a "create table" query for the table $tableName with definition $tableDefinition to the internal list of queries.
protected string ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateCreateTableSqlStatement()
Returns a "CREATE TABLE" SQL statement part for the table $tableName.
protected string ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDefault()
Returns an appropriate default value for $type with $value.
protected void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDiffSchemaAsSql()
Generates queries to upgrade an existing database with the changes stored in $this->diffSchema.
protected void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDiffSchemaTableAsSql()
Generates queries to upgrade a the table $tableName with the differences in $tableDiff.
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropFieldSql()
Adds a "alter table" query to drop the field $fieldName from $tableName.
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropIndexSql()
Adds a "alter table" query to remote the index $indexName from the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.
protected abstract void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropTableSql()
Adds a "drop table" query for the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.
protected abstract string ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateFieldSql()
Returns a column definition for $fieldName with definition $fieldDefinition.
protected void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateSchemaAsSql()
Creates SQL DDL statements from a schema definitin.
public int ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::getWriterType()
Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.
public boolean ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::isQueryAllowed()
Checks if the query is allowed.
public void ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::saveToDb()
Creates the tables contained in $schema in the database that is related to $db



void applyDiffToDb( $db , ezcDbSchemaDiff $dbSchemaDiff )

Applies the differences defined in $dbSchemaDiff to the database referenced by $db.

This method uses convertDiffToDDL to create SQL for the differences and then executes the returned SQL statements on the database handler $db.

Name Type Description
$db ezcDbHandler
$dbSchemaDiff ezcDbSchemaDiff
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaDiffDbWriter::applyDiffToDb() Applies the differences contained in $schemaDiff to the database handler $db


array(string) convertDiffToDDL( ezcDbSchemaDiff $dbSchemaDiff )

Returns the differences definition in $dbSchema as database specific SQL DDL queries.

Name Type Description
$dbSchemaDiff ezcDbSchemaDiff
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaDiffDbWriter::convertDiffToDDL() Returns an array with SQL DDL statements from the differences from $schemaDiff


string convertFromGenericType( ezcDbSchemaField $fieldDefinition )

Converts the generic field type contained in $fieldDefinition to a database specific field definition.

Name Type Description
$fieldDefinition ezcDbSchemaField


void generateAddFieldSql( string $tableName , string $fieldName , ezcDbSchemaField $fieldDefinition )

Adds a "alter table" query to add the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$fieldName string
$fieldDefinition ezcDbSchemaField
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateAddFieldSql() Adds a "alter table" query to add the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.


void generateAddIndexSql( string $tableName , string $indexName , ezcDbSchemaIndex $indexDefinition )

Adds a "alter table" query to add the index $indexName to the table $tableName with definition $indexDefinition to the internal list of queries

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$indexName string
$indexDefinition ezcDbSchemaIndex
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateAddIndexSql() Adds a "alter table" query to add the index $indexName to the table $tableName with definition $indexDefinition to the internal list of queries


void generateChangeFieldSql( string $tableName , string $fieldName , ezcDbSchemaField $fieldDefinition )

Adds a "alter table" query to change the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$fieldName string
$fieldDefinition ezcDbSchemaField
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateChangeFieldSql() Adds a "alter table" query to change the field $fieldName to $tableName with the definition $fieldDefinition.


void generateCreateTableSql( string $tableName , ezcDbSchemaTable $tableDefinition )

Adds a "create table" query for the table $tableName with definition $tableDefinition to the internal list of queries.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$tableDefinition ezcDbSchemaTable
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateCreateTableSql() Adds a "create table" query for the table $tableName with definition $tableDefinition to the internal list of queries.


string generateCreateTableSqlStatement( string $tableName )

Returns a "CREATE TABLE" SQL statement part for the table $tableName.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateCreateTableSqlStatement() Returns a "CREATE TABLE" SQL statement part for the table $tableName.


void generateDiffSchemaTableAsSql( string $tableName , ezcDbSchemaTableDiff $tableDiff )

Generates queries to upgrade a the table $tableName with the differences in $tableDiff.

This method generates queries to migrate a table to a new version with the changes that are stored in the $tableDiff property. It will call different subfunctions for the different types of changes, and those functions will add queries to the internal list of queries that is stored in $this->queries.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$tableDiff ezcDbSchemaTableDiff
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDiffSchemaTableAsSql() Generates queries to upgrade a the table $tableName with the differences in $tableDiff.


void generateDropFieldSql( string $tableName , string $fieldName )

Adds a "alter table" query to drop the field $fieldName from $tableName.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$fieldName string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropFieldSql() Adds a "alter table" query to drop the field $fieldName from $tableName.


void generateDropIndexSql( string $tableName , string $indexName )

Adds a "alter table" query to remote the index $indexName from the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
$indexName string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropIndexSql() Adds a "alter table" query to remote the index $indexName from the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.


void generateDropTableSql( string $tableName )

Adds a "drop table" query for the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateDropTableSql() Adds a "drop table" query for the table $tableName to the internal list of queries.


string generateFieldSql( string $fieldName , ezcDbSchemaField $fieldDefinition )

Returns a column definition for $fieldName with definition $fieldDefinition.

Name Type Description
$fieldName string
$fieldDefinition ezcDbSchemaField
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::generateFieldSql() Returns a column definition for $fieldName with definition $fieldDefinition.


int getDiffWriterType( )

Returns what type of schema difference writer this class implements.

This method always returns ezcDbSchema::DATABASE

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaDiffWriter::getDiffWriterType() Returns what type of schema difference writer this class implements.


int getWriterType( )

Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.

This method always returns ezcDbSchema::DATABASE

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlWriter::getWriterType() Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaWriter::getWriterType() Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.
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