Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaWriter


Interface ezcDbSchemaWriter

This class provides the base interface for schema writers.

This interface is extended by both a specific interface for schema writers who writer to a file (@link ezcDbSchemaFileWriter) and one for writers which create tables in a database (@link ezcDbSchemaDbWriter).

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/interfaces/schema_writer.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcDbSchemaFileWriter This class provides the interface for file schema writers
ezcDbSchemaDbWriter This class provides the interface for database schema writers

Method Summary

public int getWriterType( )
Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.



int getWriterType( )

Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.

Depending on the class it either returns ezcDbSchema::DATABASE (for writers that create tables in a database) or ezcDbSchema::FILE (for writers that writer schema definitions to a file).

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