Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaDiffDbWriter


Interface ezcDbSchemaDiffDbWriter

This class provides the interface for database schema difference writers

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/interfaces/db_diff_writer.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public void applyDiffToDb( $db , $schemaDiff )
Applies the differences contained in $schemaDiff to the database handler $db
public array(string) convertDiffToDDL( $schemaDiff )
Returns an array with SQL DDL statements from the differences from $schemaDiff

Inherited Methods

From ezcDbSchemaDiffWriter
public int ezcDbSchemaDiffWriter::getDiffWriterType()
Returns what type of schema difference writer this class implements.



void applyDiffToDb( $db , ezcDbSchemaDiff $schemaDiff )

Applies the differences contained in $schemaDiff to the database handler $db

Name Type Description
$db ezcDbHandler
$schemaDiff ezcDbSchemaDiff


array(string) convertDiffToDDL( ezcDbSchemaDiff $schemaDiff )

Returns an array with SQL DDL statements from the differences from $schemaDiff

Converts the schema differences contained in $schemaDiff to SQL DDL that can be used to upgrade an existing database to the new version with the differences from $schemaDiff. The SQL queries are returned as an array.

Name Type Description
$schemaDiff ezcDbSchemaDiff
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