Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcBaseStruct


Class ezcBaseStruct

Base class for all struct classes.

Source for this file: /Base/src/struct.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcDocumentWikiToken Struct for Wiki document document tokens
ezcDocumentWikiNode Struct for Wiki document document abstract syntax tree nodes
ezcDocumentBBCodeToken Struct for BBCode document document tokens
ezcDocumentBBCodeNode Struct for BBCode document document abstract syntax tree nodes
ezcDocumentRstToken Struct for RST document document tokens
ezcDocumentRstNode Struct for RST document document abstract syntax tree nodes
ezcSystemInfoAccelerator A container to store information about a PHP accelerator.
ezcInputFormDefinitionElement This struct records information about Input Form definition elements.
ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct Defines a file array APC Storage structure.
ezcCacheMemoryVarStruct Defines a memory var structure.
ezcCacheStorageMemoryDataStruct Defines a memory data storage structure.
ezcCacheStorageMemoryRegisterStruct Defines an APC Register structure.
ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory Struct which defines a repository directory.
ezcBaseFileFindContext Struct which defines the information collected by the file walker for locating files.
ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo Structure for defining the database and table to authenticate against.
ezcMvcMailRawRequest Class that encapsulates a parsed e-mail structure.
ezcAuthenticationCredentials Base class for all authentication credentials structures.
ezcAuthenticationLdapInfo Structure for defining the LDAP directory to authenticate against.
ezcAuthenticationOpenidAssociation Structure for defining an OpenID association between the server and the OpenID provider.
ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData Holds meta-data about a function/method return data.
ezcPhpGeneratorParameter ezcPhpGeneratorParameter holds information about a function or method parameter.
ezcDbSchemaIndexField A container to store a table index' field in.
ezcDbSchemaField A container to store a field definition in.
ezcDbSchemaTableDiff A container to store table difference information in.
ezcDbSchemaIndex A container to store a table index in.
ezcDbSchemaTable A container to store a table definition in.
ezcLogEntry File containing the ezcLogEntry class.
ezcLogFilter The ezcLogFilter class provides a structure to set a log filter.
ezcImageFilter Struct to store information about a filter operation.
ezcImageConverterSettings Struct to store the settings for objects of ezcImageConverter.
ezcImageHandlerSettings Struct to store the settings for objects of ezcImageHandler.
ezcMvcInternalRedirect The internal redirect object holds a new request object for the next iteration in the dispatcher.
ezcMvcResultCookie This struct contains cookie arguments
ezcMvcRequestUserAgent Struct which defines a request user agent.
ezcMvcResultContent This struct contains content meta-data
ezcMvcResponse Struct which holds the abstract response.
ezcMvcResultContentDisposition This struct contains content disposition meta-data
ezcMvcRequestCookie This struct contains cookie arguments
ezcMvcRequest The request object holds the request data.
ezcMvcHttpRawRequest Class that encapsulates a semi-parsed HTTP request by using PHP's super globals to extract information.
ezcMvcRequestFile Struct which holds a file bundled with the request.
ezcMvcRequestAuthentication Struct which holds the request authentication parameters.
ezcMvcFilterDefinition This class implements a filter definition to wrap around the filtername and its options.
ezcMvcResultCache This struct contains the cache control sessints for the result.
ezcMvcRequestAccept Struct which defines client-acceptable contents.
ezcMvcResult This struct contains the result data to be formatted by a response writer.
ezcMvcRoutingInformation This struct contains information from the router that belongs to the matched route.
ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition Struct class representing a relation find definition.
ezcPersistentSingleTableMap Class to create {ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap} properties.
ezcPersistentDoubleTableMap Class to create {ezcPersistentRelation::$columnMap} properties.
ezcPersistentGeneratorDefinition Defines a persistent object id generator.
ezcPersistentIdentity Struct representing an object identity in ezcPersistentIdentityMap.
ezcGraphContext Struct to represent the context of a renderer operation
ezcGraphCoordinate Represents coordinates in two dimensional catesian coordinate system.
ezcTranslationData A container to store one translatable string.
ezcWebdavCollection Struct representing collection resources.
ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent Struct representing a text that is potentially considered an URI.
ezcWebdavResource Struct class representing a non-collection resource.
ezcWebdavAuth Base struct for authentication credentials.
ezcMailAddress A container to store a mail address in RFC822 format.
ezcMailContentDispositionHeader A container to store a Content-Disposition header as described in http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2183.
ezcImageAnalyzerData Struct to store the data retrieved from an image analysis.
ezcConfigurationValidationItem This class provides the result of one error item in the ezcConfigurationValidationResult class.
ezcConfigurationIniItem A container to store one INI settings item
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