Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcRequest


Class ezcMvcRequest

The request object holds the request data.

The request object should be created by the request parser in the first place. It may also be returned by the controller, in the case of an internal redirection.

It holds the protocol dependant data in an ezcMvcRawRequest object that is held in property $raw.

It holds several structs which contain some protocol abstract data in the following properties:

  • $files: array of instances of ezcMvcRequestFile.
  • $cache: instance of ezcMvcRequestCache
  • $content: instance of ezcMvcRequestContent
  • $agent: instance of ezcMvcRequestAgent
  • $authentication: instance of ezcMvcRequestAuthentication
It holds request variables like an array. For example, to hold a 'controller' GET variable in $request['controller'].

Source for this file: /MvcTools/src/structs/request.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public ezcMvcRequestAccept $accept
Request content type informations.
public ezcMvcRequestUserAgent $agent
Request user agent informations.
public ezcMvcRequestAuthentication $authentication
Request authentication data.
public string $body
Request body.
public array(ezcMvcRequestCookie) $cookies
Contains all the cookies to be set
public DateTime $date
Date of the request
public array(ezcMvcRequestFile) $files
Files bundled with the request.
public string $host
Hostname of the requested server
public boolean $isFatal
Whether this is a fatal error request, or a normal one
public string $protocol
Protocol description in a normalized form F.e. http-get, http-post, http-delete, mail, jabber
public ezcMvcRawRequest $raw
Raw request data
public string $referrer
Request ID of the referring URI in the same format as $requestId
public string $requestId
Full Uri - combination of host name and uri in a protocol independent order
public string $uri
Uri of the requested resource
public array $variables
Request variables.

Method Summary

public static ezcMvcRequest __set_state( $array )
Returns a new instance of this class with the data specified by $array.
public ezcMvcRequest __construct( [ $date = null] , [ $protocol = ''] , [ $host = ''] , [ $uri = ''] , [ $requestId = ''] , [ $referrer = ''] , [ $variables = array()] , [ $body = ''] , [ $files = null] , [ $accept = null] , [ $agent = null] , [ $authentication = null] , [ $raw = null] , [ $cookies = array()] , [ $isFatal = false] )
Constructs a new ezcMvcRequest.



static ezcMvcRequest __set_state( $array )

Returns a new instance of this class with the data specified by $array.

$array contains all the data members of this class in the form: array('member_name'=>value).

__set_state makes this class exportable with var_export. var_export() generates code, that calls this method when it is parsed with PHP.

Name Type Description
$array array(string=>mixed)


ezcMvcRequest __construct( [DateTime $date = null] , [string $protocol = ''] , [string $host = ''] , [string $uri = ''] , [string $requestId = ''] , [string $referrer = ''] , [array $variables = array()] , [string $body = ''] , [array(ezcMvcRequestFile) $files = null] , [ezcMvcRequestAccept $accept = null] , [ezcMvcRequestUserAgent $agent = null] , [ezcMvcRequestAuthentication $authentication = null] , [ezcMvcRawRequest $raw = null] , [array(ezcMvcRequestCookie) $cookies = array()] , [bool $isFatal = false] )

Constructs a new ezcMvcRequest.

Name Type Description
$date DateTime
$protocol string
$host string
$uri string
$requestId string
$referrer string
$variables array
$body string
$files array(ezcMvcRequestFile)
$accept ezcMvcRequestAccept
$agent ezcMvcRequestUserAgent
$authentication ezcMvcRequestAuthentication
$raw ezcMvcRawRequest
$cookies array(ezcMvcRequestCookie)
$isFatal bool
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