Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct


Class ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct

Defines a file array APC Storage structure.

Source for this file: /Cache/src/structs/file_apc_array_data.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public int|bool $atime
Holds the accessed time of the file.
public mixed $data
Holds the actual data.
public string $location
Holds the location of the cache.
public int|bool $mtime
Holds the modified time of the file.
public int $time
Holds the time the data was introduced in the cache.

Method Summary

public ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct __construct( $data , $location , [ $mtime = false] , [ $atime = false] )
Constructs a new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct.



ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct __construct( mixed $data , string $location , [int|bool $mtime = false] , [int|bool $atime = false] )

Constructs a new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayDataStruct.

Name Type Description
$data mixed
$location string
$mtime int|bool
$atime int|bool
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