Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcResult


Class ezcMvcResult

This struct contains the result data to be formatted by a response writer.

Source for this file: /MvcTools/src/structs/result.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public ezcMvcResultCache $cache
Contains cache control settings
public ezcMvcResultContent $content
Contains content meta-data, such as language, type, charset.
public array(ezcMvcResultCookie) $cookies
Contains all the cookies to be set
public DateTime $date
Date of the result
public string $generator
Generator string, f.e. "eZ Components MvcTools"
public ezcMvcResultStatusObject $status
Result status

Set this to an object that implements the ezcMvcResultStatusObject, for example ezcMvcResultUnauthorized or ezcMvcExternalRedirect. These status objects are used by the response writers to take appropriate actions.

public array(mixed) $variables
Result variables

Method Summary

public static ezcMvcResult __set_state( $array )
Returns a new instance of this class with the data specified by $array.
public ezcMvcResult __construct( [ $status = 0] , [ $date = null] , [ $generator = ''] , [ $cache = null] , [ $cookies = array()] , [ $content = null] , [ $variables = array()] )
Constructs a new ezcMvcResult.



static ezcMvcResult __set_state( $array )

Returns a new instance of this class with the data specified by $array.

$array contains all the data members of this class in the form: array('member_name'=>value).

__set_state makes this class exportable with var_export. var_export() generates code, that calls this method when it is parsed with PHP.

Name Type Description
$array array(string=>mixed)


ezcMvcResult __construct( [int $status = 0] , [DateTime $date = null] , [string $generator = ''] , [ezcMvcResultCache $cache = null] , [array(ezcMvcResultCookie) $cookies = array()] , [ezcMvcResultContent $content = null] , [array(mixed) $variables = array()] )

Constructs a new ezcMvcResult.

Name Type Description
$status int
$date DateTime
$generator string
$cache ezcMvcResultCache
$cookies array(ezcMvcResultCookie)
$content ezcMvcResultContent
$variables array(mixed)
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