Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTranslationData


Class ezcTranslationData

A container to store one translatable string.

This struct is used in various classes to store the data accompanying one translatable string.

Source for this file: /Translation/src/structs/translation_data.php

Version:   //autogentag//


OBSOLETE = 2 Used when a translated string is obsolete.
TRANSLATED = 0 Used when the translated string is up-to-date
UNFINISHED = 1 Used when a translated string has not been translated yet.

Member Variables

public integer $column
The column where the string is
public string $comment
Comment about the translation.
public string $filename
The filename the string was found in
public integer $line
The line where the string is
public string $original
The original untranslated source string.
public integer $status
The status, which is one of the three constants TRANSLATED, UNFINISHED or OBSOLETE.
public string $translation
The translated string.

Method Summary

public ezcTranslationData __construct( $original , $translation , $comment , $status , [ $filename = null] , [ $line = null] , [ $column = null] )
Constructs an ezcTranslationData object.



ezcTranslationData __construct( string $original , string $translation , string $comment , int $status , [string $filename = null] , [int $line = null] , [int $column = null] )

Constructs an ezcTranslationData object.

Name Type Description
$original string
$translation string
$comment string
$status int
$filename string
$line int
$column int
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