Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageAnalyzer


Class ezcImageAnalyzer

Class to retreive information about a given image file.

This class scans the specified image file and leaves the information available through the public property ezcImageAnalyzer::$data. The information available depends on the handlers used by the ezcImageAnalyzer and the type of image you select. In case the ezcImageAnalyzer does not find a suitable handler to analyze an image, it will throw a ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException.

In this package the following handlers are available (in their priority order):

For detailed information on the data provided by these handlers, their capabilities on analyzing images and their speciallties, please take a look at their documentation. For general information on handlers, look at ezcImageAnalyzerHandler, ezcImageAnalyzer::getHandlerClasses() and ezcImageAnalyzer::setHandlerClasses().

A simple example.

  1.  // Analyzation of the MIME type is done during creation.
  2.  $image = new ezcImageAnalyzer( dirname( __FILE__ ).'/toby.jpg' );
  4.  if ( $image->mime == 'image/tiff' || $image->mime == 'image/jpeg' )
  5.  {
  6.       // Analyzation of further image data is done during access of the data
  7.       echo 'Photo taken on '.date( 'Y/m/d, H:i', $image->data->date ).".\n";
  8.  }
  9.  elseif ( $mime !== false )
  10.  {
  11.       echo "Format was detected as {$mime}.\n";
  12.  }
  13.  else
  14.  {
  15.       echo "Unknown photo format.\n";
  16.  }

If you want to manipulate the handlers used by ezcImageAnalyzer, you can do this globally like this:

  1.  // Retreive the predefined handler classes
  2.  $originalHandlers = ezcImageAnalyzer::getHandlerClasses();
  3.  foreach ( $handlerClasses as $id => $handlerClass )
  4.  {
  5.       // Unset the ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler (do not use that anymore!)
  6.       if ( $handlerClass === 'ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler' )
  7.       {
  8.           unset( $handlerClasses[$id] );
  9.       }
  10.  }
  11.  // Set the new collection of handler classes.
  12.  ezcImageAnalyzer::setHandlerClasses( $handlerClasses );
  14.  // Somewhere else in the code... This now tries to use your handler in the
  15.  // first place
  16.  $image = new ezcImageAnalyzer( '/var/cache/images/toby.jpg' );

Or you can define your own handler classes to be used (beware, those must either be already loaded or load automatically on access).

  1.  // Define your onw handler class to be used in the first place and fall back on
  2.  // ImageMagick, if necessary.
  3.  $handlerClasses = array( 'MyOwnHandlerClass', 'ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler' );
  4.  ezcImageAnalyzer::setHandlerClasses( $handlerClasses );
  6.  // Somewehre else in the code... This now tries to use your handler in the
  7.  // first place
  8.  $image = new ezcImageAnalyzer( '/var/cache/images/toby.jpg' );

Source for this file: /ImageAnalysis/src/analyzer.php

Version:   //autogentag//


ezcImageAnalyzerData read $data
Extended data about the image.
string read $mime
The MIME type of the image.

Member Variables

protected static array $availableHandlers
Available handler classes and their options.
protected static array(string=>mixed) $knownHandlers
Collection of known handler classes. Classes are ordered by priority.
protected string $filePath
The path of the file to analyze.
protected bool $isAnalyzed
Determines whether the image file has been analyzed or not.

This is used internally.

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties
Container to hold the properties

Method Summary

public static array(string=>array(string=>string)) getHandlerClasses( )
Returns an array of known handler classes.
public static void setHandlerClasses( $handlerClasses )
Set the array of known handlers.
public ezcImageAnalyzer __construct( $file )
Create an image analyzer for the specified file.
public void analyzeImage( )
Analyze the image file.
public void analyzeType( )
Analyze the image file's MIME type.
protected void checkHandlers( )
Check all known handlers for availability.



static array(string=>array(string=>string)) getHandlerClasses( )

Returns an array of known handler classes.

This method returns an array of available handler classes. The array is indexed by the handler names, which are assigned to an array of options set for this handler.


static void setHandlerClasses( $handlerClasses )

Set the array of known handlers.

Sets the available handlers. The array submitted must be indexed by the handler classes names (attention: handler classes must extend ezcImageAnalyzerHandler), assigned to an array of options for this handler. Most handlers don't have any options. Which options a handler may accept depends on the handler implementation.

Name Type Description
$handlerClasses array(string=>array(string=>string)) Handlers and options.


ezcImageAnalyzer __construct( string $file )

Create an image analyzer for the specified file.

Name Type Description
$file string The file to analyze.
Type Description
ezcBaseFilePermissionException If image file is not readable.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If image file does not exist.
ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException If the file could not be processed.


void analyzeImage( )

Analyze the image file.

This method triggers a handler to analyze the given image file for more data.

Type Description
ezcBaseFileIoException If an error occurs while the file is read.
ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException If the no handler is capable to analyze the given image file.


void analyzeType( )

Analyze the image file's MIME type.

This method triggers a handler to analyze the MIME type of the given image file.

Type Description
ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException If the no handler is capable to analyze the given image file.


void checkHandlers( )

Check all known handlers for availability.

This method checks all registered handler classes for if the they are available (using ezcImageAnalyzerHandler::isAvailable()).

Type Description
ezcImageAnalyzerInvalidHandlerException If a registered handler class does not exist or does not inherit from ezcImageAnalyzerHandler.
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