Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageAnalyzerHandler


Class ezcImageAnalyzerHandler

This base class has to be extended by all ezcImageAnalyzerHandler classes.

An object of an ezcImageAnalyzerHandler class must implement this interface to work properly as a handler for ezcImageAnalyzer.

Source for this file: /ImageAnalysis/src/interfaces/handler.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler Class to retrieve information about a given image file.
ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler Class to retrieve information about a given image file.


MODE_INDEXED = 1 Image is built with a palette and consists of indexed values per pixel.
MODE_TRUECOLOR = 2 Image consists of RGB value per pixel.
TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE = 1 No parts of image is transparent.
TRANSPARENCY_TRANSLUCENT = 3 Transparency determined pixel per pixel with a fuzzy value.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $options = array()
Options for the handler.

Usually this is empty, but some handlers need special options e.g. ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler.

Method Summary

public ezcImageAnalyzerHandler __construct( [ $options = array()] )
Create an ezcImageAnalyzerHandler to analyze a file.
public abstract ezcImageAnalyzerData analyzeImage( $file )
Analyze the image for detailed information.
public abstract string|bool analyzeType( $file )
Analyzes the image type.
public abstract bool canAnalyze( $mime )
Returns if the handler can analyze a given MIME type.
public abstract bool isAvailable( )
Checks wether the given handler is available for analyzing images.



ezcImageAnalyzerHandler __construct( [ $options = array()] )

Create an ezcImageAnalyzerHandler to analyze a file.

The constructor can optionally receive an array of options. Which options are utilized by the handler depends on it's implementation. To determine this, please refer to the specific handler.

Name Type Description
$options array Possible options for the handler.
Type Description
ezcImageAnalyzerException If the handler is not able to work.


ezcImageAnalyzerData analyzeImage( string $file )

Analyze the image for detailed information.

This may return various information about the image, depending on it's type and the implemented facilities of the handler. All information is collected in the struct ezcImageAnalyzerData. Which information is set about an image in the returned data struct, depends on the image type and the capabilities of the handler. At least the ezcImageAnalyzerData::$mime attribute must be set. Most handlers also provide additional information like the image dimensions and the size of the image file.

Name Type Description
$file string The file to analyze.
Type Description
ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException If image file can not be processed.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler::analyzeImage() Analyze the image for detailed information. 
ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::analyzeImage() Analyze the image for detailed information. 


string|bool analyzeType( string $file )

Analyzes the image type.

This method analyzes image data to determine the MIME type. Each ezcImageAnalyzerHandler must at least be capable of performing this operation on a file. This method has to return the MIME type of the file to analyze in lowercase letters (e.g. "image/jpeg") or false, if the images MIME type could not be determined.

Name Type Description
$file string The file to analyze.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler::analyzeType() Analyzes the image type. 
ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::analyzeType() Analyzes the image type. 


bool canAnalyze( string $mime )

Returns if the handler can analyze a given MIME type.

This method returns if the driver is capable of analyzing a given MIME type. This method should be called before trying to actually analyze an image using the drivers self::analyzeImage() method.

Name Type Description
$mime string The MIME type to check for.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler::canAnalyze() Returns if the handler can analyze a given MIME type. 
ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::canAnalyze() Returns if the handler can analyze a given MIME type. 


bool isAvailable( )

Checks wether the given handler is available for analyzing images.

Each ezcImageAnalyzerHandler must implement this method in order to check if the handler is available on the system. The method has to return true, if the handle is currently available to analyze images (e.g. if the GD extension is available, for the ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler).

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcImageAnalyzerPhpHandler::isAvailable() Checks wether the GD handler is available on the system. 
ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::isAvailable() Checks wether the GD handler is available on the system. 
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