Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin


Class ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin

Execution plugin that visualizes the execution.

  1.  <?php
  2.  $db         = ezcDbFactory::create( 'mysql://test@localhost/test' );
  3.  $definition = new ezcWorkflowDatabaseDefinitionStorage( $db );
  4.  $workflow   = $definition->loadByName( 'Test' );
  5.  $execution  = new ezcWorkflowDatabaseExecution( $db );
  7.  $execution->workflow = $workflow;
  8.  $execution->addPlugin( new ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin( '/tmp' ) );
  9.  $execution->start();
  10.  ?>

Source for this file: /Workflow/src/execution/plugin/visualizer.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected integer $fileCounter = 0
Filename counter.
protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array()

Method Summary

public ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin __construct( $directory )
public void afterNodeActivated( $execution , $node )
Called after a node has been activated.
public void afterNodeExecuted( $execution , $node )
Called after a node has been executed.
protected void visualize( $execution )
Visualizes the current state of the workflow execution.

Inherited Methods

From ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterExecutionCancelled()
Called after an execution has been cancelled.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterExecutionEnded()
Called after an execution has successfully ended.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterExecutionResumed()
Called after an execution has been resumed.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterExecutionStarted()
Called after an execution has been started.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterExecutionSuspended()
Called after an execution has been suspended.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterNodeActivated()
Called after a node has been activated.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterNodeExecuted()
Called after a node has been executed.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterThreadEnded()
Called after a thread has ended.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterThreadStarted()
Called after a new thread has been started.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterVariableSet()
Called after a variable has been set.
public void ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterVariableUnset()
Called after a variable has been unset.
public bool ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::beforeNodeActivated()
Called before a node is activated.
public mixed ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::beforeVariableSet()
Called before a variable is set.
public bool ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::beforeVariableUnset()
Called before a variable is unset.



ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin __construct( string $directory )


Name Type Description
$directory string The directory to which the DOT files are written.


void afterNodeActivated( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution , ezcWorkflowNode $node )

Called after a node has been activated.

Name Type Description
$execution ezcWorkflowExecution
$node ezcWorkflowNode
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterNodeActivated() Called after a node has been activated.


void afterNodeExecuted( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution , ezcWorkflowNode $node )

Called after a node has been executed.

Name Type Description
$execution ezcWorkflowExecution
$node ezcWorkflowNode
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcWorkflowExecutionPlugin::afterNodeExecuted() Called after a node has been executed.


void visualize( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution )

Visualizes the current state of the workflow execution.

Name Type Description
$execution ezcWorkflowExecution
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