Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcController


Class ezcMvcController

Interface defining controller classes.

Controllers process the client's request and returns variables usable by the view-manager in an instance of an ezcMvcResult. Controllers should not access request variables directly but should use the passed ezcMvcRequest. The process is done through the createResult() method, but is not limited to use protected nor private methods. The result of running a controller is an instance of ezcMvcResult.

Source for this file: /MvcTools/src/interfaces/controller.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected string $action
Contains the action to run
protected ezcMvcRequest $request
Contains the original request

Method Summary

public static string createActionMethodName( $action )
Creates a method name to call from an $action name.
public ezcMvcController __construct( $action , $request )
Creates a new controller object and sets all the request variables as class variables.
public ezcMvcResult|ezcMvcInternalRedirect createResult( )
Runs the controller to process the query and return variables usable to render the view.
public ezcMvcRouter getRouter( )
Returns the router associated with this request.
protected void setRequestVariables( $request )
Loops over all the variables in the request, and sets them as object properties.
public void setRouter( $router )
Sets the router associated with this request.



static string createActionMethodName( string $action )

Creates a method name to call from an $action name.

Name Type Description
$action string


ezcMvcController __construct( string $action , ezcMvcRequest $request )

Creates a new controller object and sets all the request variables as class variables.

Name Type Description
$action string
$request ezcMvcRequest
Type Description
ezcMvcControllerException if the action method is empty


Runs the controller to process the query and return variables usable to render the view.

Type Description
ezcMvcActionNotFoundException if the action method could not be found


ezcMvcRouter getRouter( )

Returns the router associated with this request.


void setRequestVariables( ezcMvcRequest $request )

Loops over all the variables in the request, and sets them as object properties.

Name Type Description
$request ezcMvcRequest


void setRouter( ezcMvcRouter $router )

Sets the router associated with this request.

Name Type Description
$router ezcMvcRouter
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