Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageGdHandler


Class ezcImageGdHandler

ezcImageHandler implementation for the GD2 extension of PHP, including filters.

This ezcImageHandler is used when you want to manipulate images using ext/GD in your application.

Note: If you experience problems with loading some JPEG files that work in your image viewer, please set the php.ini directive 'gd.jpeg_ignore_warning' to true (possible via http://www.php.net/ini_set).

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/handlers/gd.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void colorspace( $space )
Colorspace filter.
public void crop( $x , $y , $width , $height )
Crop filter.
public void croppedThumbnail( $width , $height )
Creates a thumbnail, and crops parts of the given image to fit the range best.
public void filledThumbnail( $width , $height , [ $color = array()] )
Creates a thumbnail, and fills up the image to fit the given range.
protected int getColor( $resource , $r , $g , $b )
Common color determination method.
protected void luminanceColorScale( $scale )
Perform luminance color scale.
protected resource(GD) paletteToTruecolor( $resource , $dimensions )
Convert a palette based image resource to a true color one.
protected void performScale( $width , $height )
General scaling method to perform actual scale to new dimensions.
public void scale( $width , $height , [ $direction = ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_BOTH] )
Scale filter.
public void scaleExact( $width , $height )
Scale exact filter.
public void scaleHeight( $height , $direction )
Scale after height filter.
public void scalePercent( $width , $height )
Scale percent measures filter.
public void scaleWidth( $width , $direction )
Scale after width filter.
protected void thresholdColorScale( $thresholds )
Scale colors by threshold values.
public void watermarkAbsolute( $image , $posX , $posY , [ $width = false] , [ $height = false] )
Watermark filter.
public void watermarkPercent( $image , $posX , $posY , [ $size = false] )
Watermark filter.

Inherited Methods

From ezcImageGdBaseHandler
public ezcImageGdBaseHandler ezcImageGdBaseHandler::__construct()
Create a new image handler.
public void ezcImageGdBaseHandler::close()
Close the file referenced by $image.
public static ezcImageHandlerSettings ezcImageGdBaseHandler::defaultSettings()
Creates default settings for the handler and returns it.
public string ezcImageGdBaseHandler::load()
Load an image file.
protected void ezcImageGdBaseHandler::replaceTransparency()
Replaces a transparent background with the given color.
public void ezcImageGdBaseHandler::save()
Save an image file.



void colorspace( int $space )

Colorspace filter.

Transform the colorspace of the picture. The following colorspaces are supported:

  • self::COLORSPACE_GREY - 255 grey colors
  • self::COLORSPACE_SEPIA - Sepia colors
  • self::COLORSPACE_MONOCHROME - 2 colors black and white
ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.
Name Type Description
$space int Colorspace, one of self::COLORSPACE_* constants.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcBaseValueException If the parameter submitted as the colorspace was not within the self::COLORSPACE_* constants.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageColorspaceFilters::colorspace() Colorspace filter.


void crop( int $x , int $y , int $width , int $height )

Crop filter.

Crop an image to a given size. This takes cartesian coordinates of a rect area to crop from the image. The cropped area will replace the old image resource (not the input image immediately, if you use the ezcImageConverter). Coordinates are given as integer values and are measured from the top left corner.

ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.

Name Type Description
$x int X offset of the cropping area.
$y int Y offset of the cropping area.
$width int Width of cropping area.
$height int Height of cropping area.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::crop() Crop filter.


void croppedThumbnail( int $width , int $height )

Creates a thumbnail, and crops parts of the given image to fit the range best.

This filter creates a thumbnail of the given image. The image is scaled down, keeping the original ratio and keeping the image larger as the given range, if necessary. Overhead for the target range is cropped from both sides equally.

If you are looking for a filter that just resizes your image to thumbnail size, you should consider the ezcImageGdHandler::scale() filter.

Name Type Description
$width int Width of the thumbnail.
$height int Height of the thumbnail.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageThumbnailFilters::croppedThumbnail() Creates a thumbnail, and crops parts of the given image to fit the range best.


void filledThumbnail( int $width , int $height , [array $color = array()] )

Creates a thumbnail, and fills up the image to fit the given range.

This filter creates a thumbnail of the given image. The image is scaled down, keeping the original ratio and scaling the image smaller as the given range, if necessary. Overhead for the target range is filled with the given color on both sides equally.

The color is defined by the following array format (integer values 0-255):

  1.  array(
  2.       0 => <red value>,
  3.       1 => <green value>,
  4.       2 => <blue value>,
  5.  );

If you are looking for a filter that just resizes your image to thumbnail size, you should consider the ezcImageGdHandler::scale() filter.

Name Type Description
$width int Width of the thumbnail.
$height int Height of the thumbnail.
$color array Fill color.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageThumbnailFilters::filledThumbnail() Creates a thumbnail, and fills up the image to fit the given range.


int getColor( reource(GD) $resource , int $r , int $g , int $b )

Common color determination method.

Returns a color identifier for an RGB value. Avoids problems with palette images.

Name Type Description
$resource reource(GD) The image resource to get a color for.
$r int Red value.
$g int Green value.
$b int Blue value.
Type Description
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.


void luminanceColorScale( array $scale )

Perform luminance color scale.

Name Type Description
$scale array Array of RGB values (numeric index).
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed


resource(GD) paletteToTruecolor( resource(GD) $resource , array(string=>int) $dimensions )

Convert a palette based image resource to a true color one.

Takes a GD resource that does not represent a true color image and converts it to a true color based resource. Do not forget, to replace the actual resource in the handler, if you use this ,method!

Name Type Description
$resource resource(GD) The image resource to convert
$dimensions array(string=>int) X and Y dimensions.


void performScale( int $width , int $height )

General scaling method to perform actual scale to new dimensions.

Name Type Description
$width int Width.
$height int Height.
Type Description
ezcImageFilterFailedException. If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.


void scale( int $width , int $height , [int $direction = ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_BOTH] )

Scale filter.

General scale filter. Scales the image to fit into a given box size, determined by a given width and height value, measured in pixel. This method maintains the aspect ratio of the given image. Depending on the given direction value, this method performs the following scales:

  • ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_BOTH: The image will be scaled to fit exactly into the given box dimensions, no matter if it was smaller or larger as the box before.
  • ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_DOWN: The image will be scaled to fit exactly into the given box only if it was larger than the given box dimensions before. If it is smaller, the image will not be scaled at all.
  • ezcImageGeometryFilters::SCALE_UP: The image will be scaled to fit exactly into the given box only if it was smaller than the given box dimensions before. If it is larger, the image will not be scaled at all. ATTENTION: In this case, the image does not necessarily fit into the given box afterwards.
ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.
Name Type Description
$width int Scale to width
$height int Scale to height
$direction int Scale to which direction.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::scale() Scale filter.


void scaleExact( int $width , int $height )

Scale exact filter.

Scale the image to a fixed given pixel size, no matter to which direction.

ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.

Name Type Description
$width int Scale to width
$height int Scale to height
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::scaleExact() Scale exact filter.


void scaleHeight( int $height , int $direction )

Scale after height filter.

Scales the image to a give height, measured in pixel. Scales the width automatically while keeping the ratio. The direction dictates, if an image may only be scaled self::SCALE_UP, self::SCALE_DOWN or if the scale may work in self::SCALE_BOTH directions.

ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.

Name Type Description
$height int Scale to height
$direction int Scale to which direction
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::scaleHeight() Scale after height filter.


void scalePercent( int $width , int $height )

Scale percent measures filter.

Scale an image to a given percentage value size.

ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.

Name Type Description
$width int Scale to width
$height int Scale to height
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::scalePercent() Scale percent measures filter.


void scaleWidth( int $width , int $direction )

Scale after width filter.

Scales the image to a give width, measured in pixel. Scales the height automatically while keeping the ratio. The direction dictates, if an image may only be scaled self::SCALE_UP, self::SCALE_DOWN or if the scale may work in self::SCALE_BOTH directions.

ATTENTION: Using this filter method directly results in the filter being applied to the image which is internally marked as "active" (most commonly this is the last recently loaded one). It is highly recommended to apply filters through the ezcImageGdHandler::applyFilter() method, which enables you to specify the image a filter is applied to.

Name Type Description
$width int Scale to width
$direction int Scale to which direction
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageGeometryFilters::scaleWidth() Scale after width filter.


void thresholdColorScale( array $thresholds )

Scale colors by threshold values.

Thresholds are defined by the following array structures:

  1.  array(
  2.   <int threshold value> => array(
  3.       0 => <int red value>,
  4.       1 => <int green value>,
  5.       2 => <int blue value>,
  6.   ),
  7.  )
Name Type Description
$thresholds array
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.


void watermarkAbsolute( string $image , int $posX , int $posY , [int|bool $width = false] , [int|bool $height = false] )

Watermark filter.

Places a watermark on the image. The file to use as the watermark image is given as $image. The $posX, $posY and $size values are given in pixel. The watermark appear at $posX, $posY in the destination image with a size of $size pixel. If $size is ommitted, the watermark image will not be resized.

Name Type Description
$image string The image file to use as the watermark
$posX int X position in the destination image in pixel.
$posY int Y position in the destination image in pixel.
$width int|bool Pixel size of the watermark, false to keep size.
$height int|bool Pixel size of the watermark, false to keep size.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFileNotProcessableException If the given watermark image could not be loaded.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageWatermarkFilters::watermarkAbsolute() Watermark filter.


void watermarkPercent( string $image , int $posX , int $posY , [int|bool $size = false] )

Watermark filter.

Places a watermark on the image. The file to use as the watermark image is given as $image. The $posX, $posY and $size values are given in percent, related to the destination image. A $size value of 10 will make the watermark appear in 10% of the destination image size. $posX = $posY = 10 will make the watermark appear in the top left corner of the destination image, 10% of its size away from its borders. If $size is ommitted, the watermark image will not be resized.

Name Type Description
$image string The image file to use as the watermark
$posX int X position in the destination image in percent.
$posY int Y position in the destination image in percent.
$size int|bool Percentage size of the watermark, false for none.
Type Description
ezcImageInvalidReferenceException If no valid resource for the active reference could be found.
ezcImageFilterFailedException If the operation performed by the the filter failed.
ezcBaseValueException If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcImageWatermarkFilters::watermarkPercent() Watermark filter.
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