Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcQuerySubSelect


Class ezcQuerySubSelect

This class is used to contain subselects

The ezcSubQuery is used for creating correct subqueries inside ezcQuery object. The class holds a refenence to the ezcQuery object that this sub-query is for, and transfers the bindParam() and bindValue() PDO related calls to it.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery();
  4.  // This will produce the following SQL:
  5.  // SELECT * FROM Greetings WHERE age > 10 AND user IN ( ( SELECT lastname FROM users ) )
  7.  // Create a subselect:
  8.  $q2 = $q->subSelect();
  9.  $q2->select( 'lastname' )->from( 'users' );
  11.  // Use the created subselect to generate the full SQL:
  12.  $q->select( '*' )->from( 'Greetings' );
  13.    ->where( $q->expr->gt( 'age', 10 ),
  14.             $q->expr->in( 'user', $q2 ) );
  16.  $stmt = $q->prepare(); // $stmt is a normal PDOStatement
  17.  $stmt->execute();
  18.  ?>

Source for this file: /Database/src/sqlabstraction/query_subselect.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Constants

From ezcQuerySelect:
ezcQuerySelect::ASC    Sort the result ascending.
ezcQuerySelect::DESC    Sort the result descending.

Member Variables

protected ezcQuery $outerQuery = null
Holds the outer query.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcQuerySelect
protected ezcQuerySelect::$fromString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$groupString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$havingString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$lastInvokedMethod
protected ezcQuerySelect::$limitString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$orderString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$selectString
protected ezcQuerySelect::$whereString
From ezcQuery
protected ezcQuery::$db
public ezcQuery::$expr

Method Summary

public ezcQuerySubSelect __construct( $outer )
Constructs a new ezcQuerySubSelect object.
public string bindParam( &$param , [ $placeHolder = null] , [ $type = PDO::PARAM_STR] , $param )
Binds the parameter $param to the specified variable name $placeHolder.
public string bindValue( $value , [ $placeHolder = null] , [ $type = PDO::PARAM_STR] )
Binds the value $value to the specified variable name $placeHolder.
public string getQuery( )
Returns the SQL string for the subselect.
public ezcQuerySubSelect subSelect( )
Returns ezcQuerySubSelect of deeper level.
public string __toString( )
Returns the SQL string for the subselect.

Inherited Methods

From ezcQuerySelect
public ezcQuerySelect ezcQuerySelect::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcQuery object.
public string ezcQuerySelect::alias()
Returns SQL to create an alias
protected ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::doJoin()
Returns the SQL for a join or prepares $fromString for a join.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::from()
Select which tables you want to select from.
public static bool|string ezcQuerySelect::getDummyTableName()
Returns dummy table name.
public string ezcQuerySelect::getQuery()
Returns the complete select query string.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::groupBy()
Returns SQL that groups the result set by a given column.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::having()
Returns SQL that set having by a given expression.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::innerJoin()
Returns the SQL for an inner join or prepares $fromString for an inner join.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::leftJoin()
Returns the SQL for a left join or prepares $fromString for a left join.
public ezcQuerySelect ezcQuerySelect::limit()
Returns SQL that limits the result set.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::orderBy()
Returns SQL that orders the result set by a given column.
public void ezcQuerySelect::reset()
Resets the query object for reuse.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::rightJoin()
Returns the SQL for a right join or prepares $fromString for a right join.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::select()
Opens the query and selects which columns you want to return with the query.
public ezcQuery ezcQuerySelect::selectDistinct()
Opens the query and uses a distinct select on the columns you want to return with the query.
public ezcQuerySelect ezcQuerySelect::where()
Adds a where clause with logical expressions to the query.
From ezcQuery
public ezcQuery ezcQuery::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcQuery that works on the database $db and with the aliases $aliases.
public static array ezcQuery::arrayFlatten()
Returns all the elements in $array as one large single dimensional array.
public string ezcQuery::bindParam()
Binds the parameter $param to the specified variable name $placeHolder..
public string ezcQuery::bindValue()
Binds the value $value to the specified variable name $placeHolder.
public void ezcQuery::doBind()
Performs binding of variables bound with bindValue and bindParam on the statement $stmt.
protected string ezcQuery::getIdentifier()
Returns the correct identifier for the alias $alias.
protected array(string) ezcQuery::getIdentifiers()
Returns the correct identifiers for the aliases found in $aliases.
public abstract string ezcQuery::getQuery()
Returns the query string for this query object.
public bool ezcQuery::hasAliases()
Returns true if this object has aliases.
public PDOStatement ezcQuery::prepare()
Returns a prepared statement from this query which can be used for execution.
protected void ezcQuery::resetBinds()
Resets the bound values and parameters to empty.
public void ezcQuery::setAliases()
Sets the aliases $aliases for this object.
public ezcQuerySubSelect ezcQuery::subSelect()
Returns the ezcQuerySubSelect query object.
public string ezcQuery::__toString()
Return SQL string for query.



ezcQuerySubSelect __construct( ezcQuery $outer )

Constructs a new ezcQuerySubSelect object.

The subSelect() method of the ezcQuery object creates an object of this class, and passes itself as $outer parameter to this constructor.

Name Type Description
$outer ezcQuery
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuerySelect::__construct() Constructs a new ezcQuery object.


string bindParam( &$param , [string $placeHolder = null] , [ $type = PDO::PARAM_STR] , &mixed $param )

Binds the parameter $param to the specified variable name $placeHolder.

This method uses ezcQuery::bindParam() from the ezcQuery class in which the subSelect was called. Info about bound parameters are stored in the parent ezcQuery object that is stored in the $outer property.

The parameter $param specifies the variable that you want to bind. If $placeholder is not provided bind() will automatically create a placeholder for you. An automatic placeholder will be of the name 'ezcValue1', 'ezcValue2' etc.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $value = 2;
  3.  $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  4.  $subSelect->select('*')
  5.             ->from( 'table2' )
  6.             ->where( $subSelect->expr->in(
  7.                   'id', $subSelect->bindParam( $value )
  8.                    )
  9.               );
  11.  $q->select( '*' )
  12.    ->from( 'table' )
  13.    ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $subSelect ) );
  15.  $stmt = $q->prepare(); // the parameter $value is bound to the query.
  16.  $value = 4;
  17.  $stmt->execute(); // subselect executed with 'id = 4'
  18.  ?>
Name Type Description
$param &mixed
$placeHolder string the name to bind with. The string must start with a colon ':'.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuery::bindParam() Binds the parameter $param to the specified variable name $placeHolder..


string bindValue( mixed $value , [string $placeHolder = null] , [ $type = PDO::PARAM_STR] )

Binds the value $value to the specified variable name $placeHolder.

This method uses ezcQuery::bindParam() from the ezcQuery class in which the subSelect was called. Info about bound parameters are stored in the parent ezcQuery object that is stored in the $outer property.

The parameter $value specifies the value that you want to bind. If $placeholder is not provided bindValue() will automatically create a placeholder for you. An automatic placeholder will be of the name 'ezcValue1', 'ezcValue2' etc.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $value = 2;
  3.  $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  4.  $subSelect->select( name )
  5.           ->from( 'table2' )
  6.           ->where(  $subSelect->expr->in(
  7.                 'id', $subSelect->bindValue( $value )
  8.                  )
  9.             );
  11.  $q->select( '*' )
  12.    ->from( 'table1' )
  13.    ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  15.  $stmt = $q->prepare(); // the $value is bound to the query.
  16.  $value = 4;
  17.  $stmt->execute(); // subselect executed with 'id = 2'
  18.  ?>
Name Type Description
$value mixed
$placeHolder string the name to bind with. The string must start with a colon ':'.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuery::bindValue() Binds the value $value to the specified variable name $placeHolder.


string getQuery( )

Returns the SQL string for the subselect.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  3.  $subSelect->select( name )->from( 'table2' );
  4.  $q->select( '*' )
  5.    ->from( 'table1' )
  6.    ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  7.  $stmt = $q->prepare();
  8.  $stmt->execute();
  9.  ?>
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuerySelect::getQuery() Returns the complete select query string.


ezcQuerySubSelect subSelect( )

Returns ezcQuerySubSelect of deeper level.

Used for making subselects inside subselects.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $value = 2;
  3.  $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  4.  $subSelect->select( name )
  5.            ->from( 'table2' )
  6.            ->where( $subSelect->expr->in(
  7.                  'id', $subSelect->bindValue( $value )
  8.                   )
  9.              );
  11.  $q->select( '*' )
  12.    ->from( 'table1' )
  13.    ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  15.  $stmt = $q->prepare(); // the $value is bound to the query.
  16.  $value = 4;
  17.  $stmt->execute(); // subselect executed with 'id = 2'
  18.  ?>
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuery::subSelect() Returns the ezcQuerySubSelect query object.


string __toString( )

Returns the SQL string for the subselect.


  1.  <?php
  2.  $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  3.  $subSelect->select( name )->from( 'table2' );
  4.  $q->select( '*' )
  5.    ->from( 'table1' )
  6.    ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  7.  $stmt = $q->prepare();
  8.  $stmt->execute();
  9.  ?>
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcQuery::__toString() Return SQL string for query.
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