Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbInstance


Class ezcDbInstance

Holds database instances for global access throughout an application.

It is common for many application to use only one or very few database connections. This class holds a single database connection name or a list of databases identified by a handle. The database connections can be retrieved from anywhere within your code through the static methods. This eliminates the need to pass the connection handle around.

Typical usage example:

  1.  $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams );
  2.  ezcDbInstance::set( $db );
  4.  // ...
  6.  $db = ezcDbInstance::get();

More complex example, with two connections, having identifiers (for convenience):

  1.  $mydb = ezcDbFactory::create( $mysql_dbparams );
  2.  $pgdb = ezcDbFactory::create( $pgsql_dbparams );
  4.  ezcDbInstance::set( $mydb, 'my' );
  5.  ezcDbInstance::set( $pgdb, 'pg' );
  6.  ezcDbInstance::chooseDefault( 'my' );
  8.  // ...
  10.  $mydb = ezcDbInstance::get( 'my' ); // returns the mysql instance
  11.  $pgdb = ezcDbInstance::get( 'pg' ); // returns the pgsql instance
  12.  $mydb = ezcDbInstance::get();  // returns the mysql instance which is default

Source for this file: /Database/src/instance.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static void chooseDefault( $identifier )
Sets the database $identifier as default database instance.
public static ezcDbHandler get( [ $identifier = false] )
Returns the database instance $identifier.
public static array(string) getIdentifiers( )
Returns the identifiers of the registered database instances.
public static void reset( )
Resets this object to its initial state.
public static void resetDefault( )
Resets the default instance holder.
public static void set( $db , [ $identifier = false] )
Adds the database handler $db to the list of known instances.



static void chooseDefault( string $identifier )

Sets the database $identifier as default database instance.

To retrieve the default database instance call get() with no parameters..

Name Type Description
$identifier string


static ezcDbHandler get( [string $identifier = false] )

Returns the database instance $identifier.

If $identifier is ommited the default database instance specified by chooseDefault() is returned.

Name Type Description
$identifier string
Type Description
ezcDbHandlerNotFoundException if the specified instance is not found.


static array(string) getIdentifiers( )

Returns the identifiers of the registered database instances.


static void reset( )

Resets this object to its initial state.

The list of instances will be emptied and resetDefault() will be called.


static void resetDefault( )

Resets the default instance holder.


static void set( ezcDbHandler $db , [string $identifier = false] )

Adds the database handler $db to the list of known instances.

If $identifier is specified the database instance can be retrieved later using the same identifier.

Name Type Description
$db ezcDbHandler
$identifier string the identifier of the database handler
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