Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter


Class ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter

Filter to authenticate against a server generated token.

Some uses for this filter:

  • CAPTCHA tests
  • security token devices (as used by banks)
The following example shows how to create a CAPTCHA test. The example is divided into 2 parts: the initial request (where the user sees the CAPTCHA image and enters the characters he sees in a form) and the follow-up request (after the user submits the form).
  • on the initial request:
    1.  // generate a token and save it in the session or in a file/database
    2.  $pattern = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    3.  $token  = "";
    4.  for( $i = 1; $i <= 6 ; $i++ )
    5.  {
    6.      $token .= $pattern{rand( 0, 36 )};
    7.  }
    8.  $encryptedToken = sha1( $token );
    10.  // save the $encryptedToken in the session
    11.  $_SESSION['encryptedToken'] = $encryptedToken;
    13.  // also generate a distorted image which contains the symbols from $token and use it
  • on the follow-up request:
    1.  // load the $encryptedToken as it was generated on a previous request
    2.  $encryptedToken = isset( $_SESSION['encryptedToken'] ) ? $_SESSION['encryptedToken'] : null;
    4.  // also load the value entered by the user in response to the CAPTCHA image
    5.  $captcha = isset( $_POST['captcha'] ) ? $_POST['captcha'] : null;
    7.  $credentials = new ezcAuthenticationIdCredentials( $captcha );
    8.  $authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
    9.  $authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter( $encryptedToken, 'sha1' ) );
    10.  if ( !$authentication->run() )
    11.  {
    12.      // CAPTCHA was incorrect, so inform the user to try again, eventually
    13.      // by generating another token and CAPTCHA image
    14.  }
    15.  else
    16.  {
    17.      // CAPTCHA was correct, so let the user send his spam or whatever
    18.  }

Source for this file: /Authentication/src/filters/token/token_filter.php

Version:   //autogen//


STATUS_TOKEN_INCORRECT = 1 Token is not the same as the provided one.

Inherited Constants

From ezcAuthenticationFilter:
ezcAuthenticationFilter::STATUS_OK    Successful authentication.


callback read/write $function
The encryption function to use on the user credentials in order to compare it with the stored token.
string read/write $token
The token to check against.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcAuthenticationFilter
protected ezcAuthenticationFilter::$options

Method Summary

public ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter __construct( $token , $function , [ $options = null] )
Creates a new object of this class.
public int run( $credentials )
Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.

Inherited Methods

From ezcAuthenticationFilter
public ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions ezcAuthenticationFilter::getOptions()
Returns the options of this class.
public abstract int ezcAuthenticationFilter::run()
Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
public void ezcAuthenticationFilter::setOptions()
Sets the options of this class to $options.



ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter __construct( string $token , callback $function , [ezcAuthenticationTokenOptions $options = null] )

Creates a new object of this class.

Name Type Description
$token string A string value generated by the server
$function callback The encryption function to use when comparing tokens
$options ezcAuthenticationTokenOptions Options for this class


int run( ezcAuthenticationCredentials $credentials )

Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.

Name Type Description
$credentials ezcAuthenticationCredentials Authentication credentials
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcAuthenticationFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
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