Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcAuthenticationFilter


Class ezcAuthenticationFilter

Base class for all authentication filters.

The classes which extend this class must implement the run() method.

This class contains the STATUS_OK constant (with value 0) which is returned by the run() method in case of success. Subclasses must define their own constants to be returned in case of insuccess.

This class adds support for options for subclasses, by providing the protected property $options, and the public methods setOptions() and getOptions().

Source for this file: /Authentication/src/interfaces/authentication_filter.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter Filter to authenticate against a database.
ezcAuthenticationGroupFilter Group authentication filters together.
ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter Filter to authenticate against a server generated token.
ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter Filter to authenticate against an LDAP directory.
ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter Filter to authenticate against TypeKey.
ezcAuthenticationOpenidFilter Filter to authenticate against OpenID. Currently supporting OpenID 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0.
ezcAuthenticationHtpasswdFilter Filter to authenticate against an Unix htpasswd file.


STATUS_OK = 0 Successful authentication.

Member Variables

protected ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions $options
Options for authentication filters.

Method Summary

public ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions getOptions( )
Returns the options of this class.
public abstract int run( $credentials )
Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
public void setOptions( $options )
Sets the options of this class to $options.



Returns the options of this class.


int run( ezcAuthenticationCredentials $credentials )

Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.

Name Type Description
$credentials ezcAuthenticationCredentials Authentication credentials
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationGroupFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationTokenFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationOpenidFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 
ezcAuthenticationHtpasswdFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. 


void setOptions( ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions $options )

Sets the options of this class to $options.

Name Type Description
$options ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions Options for this class
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