Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter


Class ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter

Filter to authenticate against an LDAP directory.

This filter depends on the PHP ldap extension. If this extension is not installed then the constructor will throw an ezcExtensionNotFoundException.

RFC: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4510.html


  1.  $credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'jan.modaal', 'qwerty' );
  2.  $ldap = new ezcAuthenticationLdapInfo( 'localhost', 'uid=%id%', 'dc=example,dc=com', 389 );
  3.  $authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
  4.  $authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter( $ldap ) );
  5.  // add more filters if needed
  6.  if ( !$authentication->run() )
  7.  {
  8.      // authentication did not succeed, so inform the user
  9.      $status = $authentication->getStatus();
  10.      $err = array(
  11.              'ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter' => array(
  12.                  ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter::STATUS_USERNAME_INCORRECT => 'Incorrect username',
  13.                  ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter::STATUS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT => 'Incorrect password'
  14.                  )
  15.              );
  16.      foreach ( $status as $line )
  17.      {
  18.          list( $key, $value ) = each( $line );
  19.          echo $err[$key][$value] . "\n";
  20.      }
  21.  }
  22.  else
  23.  {
  24.      // authentication succeeded, so allow the user to see his content
  25.  }

Extra data can be fetched from the LDAP server during the authentication process, by registering the data to be fetched before calling run(). Example:

  1.  // $filter is an ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter object
  2.  $filter->registerFetchData( array( 'name', 'company', 'mobile' ) );
  4.  // after run()
  5.  $data = $filter->fetchData();

The $data array will be something like:

  1.  array( 'name' = > array( 'Dr. No' ),
  2.         'company' => array( 'SPECTRE' ),
  3.         'mobile' => array( '555-7732873' )
  4.       );

Source for this file: /Authentication/src/filters/ldap/ldap_filter.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


PROTOCOL_PLAIN = 1 Use plain-text password and no encryption for the connection (default).
PROTOCOL_TLS = 2 Use plain-text password and TLS connection.
STATUS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT = 2 Password is incorrect.
STATUS_USERNAME_INCORRECT = 1 Username is not found in the database.

Inherited Constants

From ezcAuthenticationFilter:
ezcAuthenticationFilter::STATUS_OK    Successful authentication.


ezcAuthenticationLdapInfo read/write $ldap
Structure which holds the LDAP server hostname, entry format and base, and port.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $data = array()
Holds the extra data fetched during the authentication process.

Usually it has this structure:

  1.  array( 'name' = > array( 'Dr. No' ),
  2.         'company' => array( 'SPECTRE' ),
  3.         'mobile' => array( '555-7732873' )
  4.       );
protected array(string) $requestedData = array()
Holds the attributes which will be requested during the authentication process.

Usually it has this structure:

  1.  array( 'name', 'company', 'mobile' );

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcAuthenticationFilter
protected ezcAuthenticationFilter::$options

Method Summary

public ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter __construct( $ldap , [ $options = null] )
Creates a new object of this class.
public array(string=>mixed) fetchData( )
Returns the extra data fetched during the authentication process.
protected mixed ldapConnect( $host , [ $port = 389] )
Wraps around the ldap_connect() function.
protected bool ldapStartTls( $connection )
Wraps around the ldap_start_tls() function.
public void registerFetchData( [ $data = array()] )
Registers which extra data to fetch during the authentication process.
public int run( $credentials )
Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.

Inherited Methods

From ezcAuthenticationFilter
public ezcAuthenticationFilterOptions ezcAuthenticationFilter::getOptions()
Returns the options of this class.
public abstract int ezcAuthenticationFilter::run()
Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
public void ezcAuthenticationFilter::setOptions()
Sets the options of this class to $options.



ezcAuthenticationLdapFilter __construct( ezcAuthenticationLdapInfo $ldap , [ezcAuthenticationLdapOptions $options = null] )

Creates a new object of this class.

Name Type Description
$ldap ezcAuthenticationLdapInfo How to connect to LDAP
$options ezcAuthenticationLdapOptions Options for this class
Type Description
ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException if the PHP ldap extension is not installed


array(string=>mixed) fetchData( )

Returns the extra data fetched during the authentication process.

The return is something like:

  1.  array( 'name' = > array( 'Dr. No' ),
  2.         'company' => array( 'SPECTRE' ),
  3.         'mobile' => array( '555-7732873' )
  4.       );
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcAuthenticationDataFetch::fetchData() Returns the extra data fetched during the authentication process.


mixed ldapConnect( string $host , [int $port = 389] )

Wraps around the ldap_connect() function.

Returns the connection as a resource if it was successful.

Name Type Description
$host string The LDAP hostname
$port int The LDAP port to connect to $host, default 389


bool ldapStartTls( mixed $connection )

Wraps around the ldap_start_tls() function.

Returns true if it was possible to start a TLS connection on the provided $connection.

Name Type Description
$connection mixed An established LDAP connection


void registerFetchData( [ $data = array()] )

Registers which extra data to fetch during the authentication process.

The input $data is an array of attributes to request, for example:

  1.  array( 'name', 'company', 'mobile' );
Name Type Description
$data array(string) A list of attributes to fetch during authentication
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcAuthenticationDataFetch::registerFetchData() Registers which extra data to fetch during the authentication process.


int run( ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials $credentials )

Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.

Name Type Description
$credentials ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials Authentication credentials
Type Description
ezcAuthenticationLdapException if the connecting and binding to the LDAP server could not be performed
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcAuthenticationFilter::run() Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
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