Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTranslationFilter


Interface ezcTranslationFilter

ezcTranslationFilter defines the common interface for all translation filters.


Source for this file: /Translation/src/interfaces/filter_interface.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static ezcTranslationFilter getInstance( )
Returns an instance of the class that implements this interface
public void runFilter( $context )
Filters the context $context.



static ezcTranslationFilter getInstance( )

Returns an instance of the class that implements this interface


void runFilter( $context )

Filters the context $context.

This static method is called by the Translation Manager whenever a context is requested. The method should only modify the "translated" string and not touch the original string or comment.

For a definition of the array format see ezcTranslation::$translationMap.

Name Type Description
$context array(ezcTranslationData)
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