Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTranslationBorkFilter


Class ezcTranslationBorkFilter

Implements the Bork translation filter.

The bork filter mangles text in cases where the translatable string is defined in the translation definition, but when it it marked as an "unfinished" translation. This makes it obvious which text is translatable, but not yet translated.

Source for this file: /Translation/src/filters/bork_filter.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static ezcTranslationFilterBork getInstance( )
Returns an instance of the class ezcTranslationFilterBork
public void runFilter( $context )
Filters a context



static ezcTranslationFilterBork getInstance( )

Returns an instance of the class ezcTranslationFilterBork

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTranslationFilter::getInstance() Returns an instance of the class that implements this interface


void runFilter( $context )

Filters a context

Applies the "bork" filter on the given context. The bork filter mangles non-finished or non-translated text so that it is obvious which text is translatable, but not yet translated.

Name Type Description
$context array(ezcTranslationData)
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTranslationFilter::runFilter() Filters the context $context.
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