Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTranslation


Class ezcTranslation

ezcTranslation is a container that holds the translated strings for a specific context.

ezcTranslation objects are returned by the ezcTranslationManager for every requested context.

For an example see ezcTranslationManager.

Source for this file: /Translation/src/translation.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public ezcTranslation __construct( $data )
Constructs the ezcTranslation object.
public string compileTranslation( $key , [ $params = array()] )
Returns the translated version of the original string $key.
public string getTranslation( $key , [ $params = array()] )
Returns the translated version of the original string $key.



ezcTranslation __construct( $data )

Constructs the ezcTranslation object.

The constructor receives an array containing the translation elements, and builds up an internal map between the original string and the accompanying translation data.

Name Type Description
$data array(ezcTranslationData)


string compileTranslation( string $key , [ $params = array()] )

Returns the translated version of the original string $key.

This method returns a translated string and substitutes the parameters $param in the localized string with PHP code to place the variable data into the string at a later moment. Instead of the values for each of the parameters, an expression to get to the data should be sumbitted into the $params array.

  1.  echo $translation->compileTranslation( "Hello #%nr", array( "nr" => '$this->send->nr' ) );

Will return something like:

  1.  'Hallo #' . $this->send->nr . ''
Name Type Description
$key string
$params array(string=>string)


string getTranslation( string $key , [ $params = array()] )

Returns the translated version of the original string $key.

This method returns a translated string and substitutes the parameters $param in the localized string.

Name Type Description
$key string
$params array(string=>string)
Type Description
ezcTranslationParameterMissingException when not enough parameters are passed for a parameterized string
ezcTranslationKeyNotAvailableException when the key is not available in the translation definitions
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