Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcCatchAllRoute


Class ezcMvcCatchAllRoute

Router class that acts like a catch all for /.../... type routes.

The routes are matched against the uri property of the request object.

Source for this file: /MvcTools/src/routes/catchall.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected string $action
If url has no action to match, use this as default.
protected string $controller
If url has no controller to match, use this as default.

Method Summary

public ezcMvcCatchAllRoute __construct( [ $defaultController = 'index'] , [ $defaultAction = 'index'] )
Construct a CatchAll Route
protected boolean checkPrefixMatch( $parts )
Check if the prefix matches.
protected string createControllerName( )
Create the controller name from the matched name
protected string createParamName( $index )
Create the param name from the indexed parameter
protected string getUriString( $request )
Returns the request information that the matches() method will match the pattern against.
public null|ezcMvcRoutingInformation matches( $request )
Returns routing information if the route matched, or null in case the route did not match.
public void prefix( $prefix )
Adds a prefix to the route.



ezcMvcCatchAllRoute __construct( [string $defaultController = 'index'] , [string $defaultAction = 'index'] )

Construct a CatchAll Route

Name Type Description
$defaultController string
$defaultAction string


boolean checkPrefixMatch( array $parts )

Check if the prefix matches.

Name Type Description
$parts array


string createControllerName( )

Create the controller name from the matched name


string createParamName( int $index )

Create the param name from the indexed parameter

Name Type Description
$index int


string getUriString( ezcMvcRequest $request )

Returns the request information that the matches() method will match the pattern against.

Name Type Description
$request ezcMvcRequest


null|ezcMvcRoutingInformation matches( ezcMvcRequest $request )

Returns routing information if the route matched, or null in case the route did not match.

Name Type Description
$request ezcMvcRequest Request to test.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcMvcRoute::matches() Returns routing information if the route matched, or null in case the route did not match.


void prefix( string $prefix )

Adds a prefix to the route.

Name Type Description
$prefix string
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcMvcRoute::prefix() Adds a prefix to the route.
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