Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcImageImagemagickBaseHandler


Class ezcImageImagemagickBaseHandler

ezcImageHandler implementation for ImageMagick.

This class only implements the base funtionality of handling images with ImageMagick. If you want to manipulate images using ImageMagick in your application, you should use the ezcImageImagemagickHandler.

You can use this base class to implement your own filter set on basis of ImageMagick, but you can also use ezcImageImagemagickHandler for this and profit from its already implemented filters.

Source for this file: /ImageConversion/src/handlers/imagemagick_base.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcImageImagemagickHandler ezcImageHandler implementation for ImageMagick.

Method Summary

public static ezcImageHandlerSettings defaultSettings( )
Creates default settings for the handler and returns it.
public ezcImageImagemagickBaseHandler __construct( $settings )
Create a new image handler.
protected void addCompositeImage( $reference , $file )
Add an image to composite with the given reference.
protected void addFilterOption( $reference , $name , [ $parameter = null] )
Add a filter option to a given reference
public void close( $image )
Close the file referenced by $image.
protected void colorArrayToString( $color )
Returns a string representation of the given color array.
public string load( $file , [ $mime = null] )
Load an image file.
public void save( $image , [ $newFile = null] , [ $mime = null] , [ $options = null] )
Save an image file.



static ezcImageHandlerSettings defaultSettings( )

Creates default settings for the handler and returns it.

The reference name will be set to 'ImageMagick'.


ezcImageImagemagickBaseHandler __construct( ezcImageHandlerSettings $settings )

Create a new image handler.

Creates an image handler. This should never be done directly, but only through the manager for configuration reasons. One can get a direct reference through manager afterwards.

This handler has an option 'binary' available, which allows you to explicitly set the path to your ImageMagicks "convert" binary (this may be necessary on Windows, since there may be an obscure "convert.exe" in the $PATH variable available, which has nothing to do with ImageMagick).

Name Type Description
$settings ezcImageHandlerSettings Settings for the handler.
Type Description
ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException If the ImageMagick binary is not found.


void addCompositeImage( string $reference , string $file )

Add an image to composite with the given reference.

Name Type Description
$reference string The reference to add an image to
$file string The file to composite with the image.


void addFilterOption( string $reference , string $name , [string $parameter = null] )

Add a filter option to a given reference

Name Type Description
$reference string The reference to add a filter for.
$name string The option name.
$parameter string The option parameter.


void close( string $image )

Close the file referenced by $image.

Frees the image reference. You should call close() before.

Name Type Description
$image string The image reference.


void colorArrayToString( $color )

Returns a string representation of the given color array.

ImageConversion uses arrays to represent color values, in the format:

  1.  array(
  2.       255,
  3.       0,
  4.       0,
  5.  )
This array represents the color red.

This method takes such a color array and converts it into a string representation usable by the convert binary. For the above examle it would be '#FF0000'.

Name Type Description
$color array
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException if one of the color values in the array is invalid (not integer, smaller than 0 or larger than 255).


string load( string $file , [string $mime = null] )

Load an image file.

Loads an image file and returns a reference to it.

Name Type Description
$file string File to load.
$mime string The MIME type of the file.
Type Description
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If the desired file does not exist.
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If the desired file has a not recognized type.
ezcImageFileNameInvalidException If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name.


void save( string $image , [string $newFile = null] , [string $mime = null] , [ezcImageSaveOptions $options = null] )

Save an image file.

Saves a given open file. Can optionally save to a new file name.

Name Type Description
$image string File reference created through load().
$newFile string Filename to save the image to.
$mime string New MIME type, if differs from initial one.
$options ezcImageSaveOptions Save options.
Type Description
ezcBaseFilePermissionException If the desired file exists and is not writeable.
ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException If the desired MIME type is not recognized.
ezcImageFileNameInvalidException If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name.
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