Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphNumericDataSet


Class ezcGraphNumericDataSet

Dataset for numeric data.

Uses user defined functions for numeric data creation

Source for this file: /Graph/src/datasets/numeric.php

Version:   //autogentag//


callback read/write $callback
Callback function which represents the mathmatical function to show
float read/write $end
End value for x axis values of function
int read/write $resolution
Steps used to draw line in graph
float read/write $start
Start value for x axis values of function

Member Variables

protected int $position = 0
Position of the data iterator. Depends on the configured resolution.
protected array(string=>mixed) $properties
Container to hold the properties

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcGraphDataSet
protected ezcGraphDataSet::$current
protected ezcGraphDataSet::$data
protected ezcGraphDataSet::$keys
protected ezcGraphDataSet::$pallet

Method Summary

public int count( )
Returns the number of elements in this dataset
public string current( )
Returns the currently selected datapoint.
protected float getKey( $position )
Get the x coordinate for the current position
public string key( )
Returns the key of the currently selected datapoint.
public float next( )
Returns the next datapoint and selects it or false on the last datapoint.
public bool offsetExists( $key )
Returns true if the given datapoint exists Allows isset() using ArrayAccess.
public float offsetGet( $key )
Returns the value for the given datapoint Get an datapoint value by ArrayAccess.
public void offsetSet( $key , $value )
Throws a ezcBasePropertyPermissionException because single datapoints cannot be set in average datasets.
public float rewind( )
Selects the very first datapoint and returns it.
public bool valid( )
Returns if the current datapoint is valid.
public mixed __get( $propertyName )
Property get access.
public mixed __set( $propertyName , $propertyValue )
Options write access

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphDataSet
public string ezcGraphDataSet::current()
Returns the currently selected datapoint.
public string ezcGraphDataSet::key()
Returns the key of the currently selected datapoint.
public float ezcGraphDataSet::next()
Returns the next datapoint and selects it or false on the last datapoint.
public bool ezcGraphDataSet::offsetExists()
Returns true if the given datapoint exists Allows isset() using ArrayAccess.
public float ezcGraphDataSet::offsetGet()
Returns the value for the given datapoint Get an datapoint value by ArrayAccess.
public void ezcGraphDataSet::offsetSet()
Sets the value for a datapoint.
public void ezcGraphDataSet::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.
public float ezcGraphDataSet::rewind()
Selects the very first datapoint and returns it.
public bool ezcGraphDataSet::valid()
Returns if the current datapoint is valid.
public mixed ezcGraphDataSet::__get()
Property get access.



int count( )

Returns the number of elements in this dataset


string current( )

Returns the currently selected datapoint.

This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the datapoints of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using foreach).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::current() Returns the currently selected datapoint.


float getKey( int $position )

Get the x coordinate for the current position

Name Type Description
$position int Position


string key( )

Returns the key of the currently selected datapoint.

This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the datapoints of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using foreach).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::key() Returns the key of the currently selected datapoint.


float next( )

Returns the next datapoint and selects it or false on the last datapoint.

This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the datapoints of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using foreach).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::next() Returns the next datapoint and selects it or false on the last datapoint.


bool offsetExists( string $key )

Returns true if the given datapoint exists Allows isset() using ArrayAccess.

Name Type Description
$key string The key of the datapoint to get.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::offsetExists() Returns true if the given datapoint exists Allows isset() using ArrayAccess.


float offsetGet( string $key )

Returns the value for the given datapoint Get an datapoint value by ArrayAccess.

Name Type Description
$key string The key of the datapoint to get.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::offsetGet() Returns the value for the given datapoint Get an datapoint value by ArrayAccess.


void offsetSet( string $key , float $value )

Throws a ezcBasePropertyPermissionException because single datapoints cannot be set in average datasets.

Name Type Description
$key string The kex of a datapoint to set.
$value float The value for the datapoint.
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyPermissionException Always, because access is readonly.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::offsetSet() Sets the value for a datapoint.


float rewind( )

Selects the very first datapoint and returns it.

This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the datapoints of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using foreach).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::rewind() Selects the very first datapoint and returns it.


bool valid( )

Returns if the current datapoint is valid.

This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the datapoints of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using foreach).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::valid() Returns if the current datapoint is valid.


mixed __get( string $propertyName )

Property get access.

Simply returns a given option.

Name Type Description
$propertyName string The name of the option to get.
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDataSet::__get() Property get access.


mixed __set( mixed $propertyName , mixed $propertyValue )

Options write access

Name Type Description
$propertyName mixed Option name
$propertyValue mixed Option value;
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException If value is out of range
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException If Option could not be found
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