Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcFeedParser


Interface ezcFeedParser

Interface for feed parsers.

Currently implemented for these feed types:

The implementing classes must implement these methods:
  • canParse() - Returns true if the class can parse the provided XML document.
  • parse() - Parse the provided XML document and return an ezcFeed object.

Source for this file: /Feed/src/interfaces/parser.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static bool canParse( $xml )
Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, false otherwise.
public ezcFeed parse( $xml )
Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object from it.



static bool canParse( $xml )

Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$xml DOMDocument The XML document object to check for parseability


ezcFeed parse( $xml )

Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object from it.

Name Type Description
$xml DOMDocument The XML document object to parse
Type Description
ezcFeedParseErrorException If an error was encountered during parsing.
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