Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcFeedAtom


Class ezcFeedAtom

Class providing parsing and generating of ATOM feeds.

Specifications: ATOM RFC4287.

Source for this file: /Feed/src/processors/atom.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//


CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/atom+xml' Defines the feed content type of this processor.
FEED_TYPE = 'atom' Defines the feed type of this processor.
NAMESPACE_URI = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' Defines the namespace for ATOM feeds.

Method Summary

public static bool canParse( $xml )
Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, false otherwise.
public ezcFeedAtom __construct( $container )
Creates a new ATOM processor.
public string generate( )
Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this processor.
public ezcFeed parse( $xml )
Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object from it.

Inherited Methods

From ezcFeedProcessor
public abstract string ezcFeedProcessor::generate()
Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this processor.
public array(ezcFeedModule) ezcFeedProcessor::getModules()
Returns an array with all the modules loaded at feed-level.



static bool canParse( $xml )

Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$xml DOMDocument The XML document object to check for parseability
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcFeedParser::canParse() Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, false otherwise.


ezcFeedAtom __construct( ezcFeed $container )

Creates a new ATOM processor.

Name Type Description
$container ezcFeed The feed data container used when generating


string generate( )

Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this processor.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedProcessor::generate() Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this processor.


ezcFeed parse( $xml )

Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object from it.

Name Type Description
$xml DOMDocument The XML document object to parse
Type Description
ezcFeedParseErrorException If an error was encountered during parsing.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcFeedParser::parse() Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object from it.
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