Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcFeedGeoModule


Class ezcFeedGeoModule

Support for the Geo module: data container, generator, parser.

Specifications: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/.

Create example:

  1.  <?php
  2.  // $feed is an ezcFeed object
  3.  $item = $feed->add( 'item' );
  4.  $module = $item->addModule( 'Geo' );
  5.  $module->alt = 1000;
  6.  $module->lat = 26.58;
  7.  $module->long = -97.83;
  8.  ?>

Parse example:

  1.  <?php
  2.  // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
  3.  $alt = isset( $item->Geo->alt ) ? $item->Geo->alt->__toString() : null;
  4.  $lat = isset( $item->Geo->lat ) ? $item->Geo->lat->__toString() : null;
  5.  $long = isset( $item->Geo->long ) ? $item->Geo->long->__toString() : null;
  6.  ?>

Source for this file: /Feed/src/modules/geo_module.php

Version:   //autogentag//


ezcFeedTextElement read/write $alt
Altitude in decimal meters above the local reference ellipsoid (eg. 509.2). Can also be negative.
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $lat
WGS84 latitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 25.03358300). Can also be negative.
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $long
WGS84 longitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 121.56430000). Can also be negative.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcFeedModule
protected ezcFeedModule::$level
protected ezcFeedModule::$properties

Method Summary

public static string getModuleName( )
Returns the module name (Geo').
public static string getNamespace( )
Returns the namespace for this module ('http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#').
public static string getNamespacePrefix( )
Returns the namespace prefix for this module ('geo').
public ezcFeedGeoModule __construct( [ $level = 'feed'] )
Constructs a new ezcFeedContentModule object.
public ezcFeedElement add( $name )
Adds a new ezcFeedElement element with name $name to this module and returns it.
public void generate( $xml , $root )
Adds the module elements to the $xml XML document, in the container $root.
public bool isElementAllowed( $name )
Returns true if the element $name is allowed in the current module at the current level (feed or item), and false otherwise.
public void parse( $name , $node )
Parses the XML element $node and creates a feed element in the current module with name $name.

Inherited Methods

From ezcFeedModule
public ezcFeedModule ezcFeedModule::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcFeedModule object.
public abstract ezcFeedElement ezcFeedModule::add()
Adds a new ezcFeedElement element with name $name to this module and returns it.
public static ezcFeedModule ezcFeedModule::create()
Returns a new instance of the $name module with data container level $level.
public abstract void ezcFeedModule::generate()
Adds the module elements to the $xml XML document, in the container $root.
public abstract bool ezcFeedModule::isElementAllowed()
Returns true if the element $name is allowed in the current module at the current level (feed or item), and false otherwise.
public abstract void ezcFeedModule::parse()
Parses the XML element $node and creates a feed element in the current module with name $name.



static string getModuleName( )

Returns the module name (Geo').


static string getNamespace( )

Returns the namespace for this module ('http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#').


static string getNamespacePrefix( )

Returns the namespace prefix for this module ('geo').


ezcFeedGeoModule __construct( [string $level = 'feed'] )

Constructs a new ezcFeedContentModule object.

Name Type Description
$level string The level of the data container ('feed' or 'item')
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedModule::__construct() Constructs a new ezcFeedModule object.


ezcFeedElement add( string $name )

Adds a new ezcFeedElement element with name $name to this module and returns it.

Name Type Description
$name string The element name
Type Description
ezcFeedUnsupportedElementException if trying to add an element which is not supported.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedModule::add() Adds a new ezcFeedElement element with name $name to this module and returns it.


void generate( $xml , $root )

Adds the module elements to the $xml XML document, in the container $root.

Name Type Description
$xml DOMDocument The XML document in which to add the module elements
$root DOMNode The parent node which will contain the module elements
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedModule::generate() Adds the module elements to the $xml XML document, in the container $root.


bool isElementAllowed( string $name )

Returns true if the element $name is allowed in the current module at the current level (feed or item), and false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$name string The element name to check if allowed in the current module and level (feed or item)
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedModule::isElementAllowed() Returns true if the element $name is allowed in the current module at the current level (feed or item), and false otherwise.


void parse( string $name , $node )

Parses the XML element $node and creates a feed element in the current module with name $name.

Name Type Description
$name string The name of the element belonging to the module
$node DOMElement The XML child from which to take the values for $name
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcFeedModule::parse() Parses the XML element $node and creates a feed element in the current module with name $name.
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