Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcFeedEntryElement


Class ezcFeedEntryElement

Class defining a feed entry.

Source for this file: /Feed/src/structs/entry.php

Version:   //autogentag//


array(ezcFeedPersonElement) read/write $author
The authors of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-author (required, multiple), RSS1-none, RSS2-author (optional, recommended, single).
array(ezcFeedCategoryElement) read/write $category
The categories of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-author (optional, multiple), RSS1-none, RSS2-category (optional, multiple).
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $comments
The comments of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-none, RSS1-none, RSS2-author (optional, single).
ezcFeedContentElement read/write $content
The complex text content of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-content (optional, single), RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
array(ezcFeedPersonElement) read/write $contributor
The contributors of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-contributor (optional, not recommended, multiple), RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $copyright
The copyright of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-rights (optional, single), RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $description
The description of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-summary (required, single), RSS1-description (required, single), RSS2-description (required, single).
array(ezcFeedEnclosureElement) read/write $enclosure
The enclosures of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-link@rel="enclosure" (optional, multiple), RSS1-none, RSS2-enclosure (optional, single).
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $id
The id of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-id (required, single), RSS1-about (required, single), RSS2-guid (optional, single).
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $language
The language of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-source (optional, not recommended, single ), RSS1-none, RSS2-none.
array(ezcFeedLinkElement) read/write $link
The links of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-link (required, multiple), RSS1-link (required, single), RSS2-link (required, single).
ezcFeedDateElement read/write $published
The published date of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-published (optional, single), RSS1-none, RSS2-pubDate (optional, single).
ezcFeedSourceElement read/write $source
The source of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-source (optional, not recommended, single), RSS1-none, RSS2-source (optional, not recommended, single).
ezcFeedTextElement read/write $title
The title of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-title (required, single), RSS1-title (required, single), RSS2-title (required, single).
ezcFeedDateElement read/write $updated
The updated date of the entry. Equivalents: ATOM-updated (required, single), RSS1-none, RSS2-none.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcFeedElement
protected ezcFeedElement::$properties

Method Summary

public ezcFeedElement add( $name )
Adds a new element with name $name to the feed item and returns it.
public ezcFeedModule addModule( $name )
Adds a new module to this item and returns it.
public array(ezcFeedModule) getModules( )
Returns an array with all the modules defined for this feed item.
public bool hasModule( $name )
Returns true if the module $name is loaded, false otherwise.



ezcFeedElement add( string $name )

Adds a new element with name $name to the feed item and returns it.


  1.  // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object
  2.  $link = $item->add( 'link' );
  3.  $link->href = 'http://ez.no/';
Name Type Description
$name string The name of the element to add
Type Description
ezcFeedUnsupportedElementException if the element $name is not supported


ezcFeedModule addModule( string $name )

Adds a new module to this item and returns it.

Name Type Description
$name string The name of the module to add


array(ezcFeedModule) getModules( )

Returns an array with all the modules defined for this feed item.


bool hasModule( string $name )

Returns true if the module $name is loaded, false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$name string The name of the module to check if loaded for this item
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