Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaPersistentWriter


Class ezcDbSchemaPersistentWriter

This handler creates PHP classes to be used with PersistentObject from a DatabaseSchema.

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/handlers/persistent/writer.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void __construct( [ $overwrite = false] , [ $classPrefix = null] )
Creates a new writer instance
public int getWriterType( )
Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.
public void saveToFile( $dir , $dbSchema )
Writes the schema definition in $dbSchema to files located in $dir.



void __construct( [bool $overwrite = false] , [string $classPrefix = null] )

Creates a new writer instance

Name Type Description
$overwrite bool Overwrite existsing files?
$classPrefix string Prefix for class names.


int getWriterType( )

Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.

This method always returns ezcDbSchema::FILE

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaWriter::getWriterType() Returns what type of schema writer this class implements.


void saveToFile( string $dir , ezcDbSchema $dbSchema )

Writes the schema definition in $dbSchema to files located in $dir.

This method dumps the given schema to PersistentObject definitions, which will be located in the given directory.

Name Type Description
$dir string The directory to store definitions in.
$dbSchema ezcDbSchema The schema object to create defs for.
Type Description
ezcBaseFilePermissionException If the given directory is not writable.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If the given directory could not be found.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaFileWriter::saveToFile() Saves the schema definition in $schema to the file $file.
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