Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbHandlerMysql


Class ezcDbHandlerMysql

MySQL driver implementation

Source for this file: /Database/src/handlers/mysql.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected string $identifierQuoteChars = array(
"start" => '`',
"end" => '`',

Characters to quote identifiers with. Should be overwritten in handler implementation, if different for a specific handler. In some cases the quoting start and end characters differ (e.g. ODBC), but mostly they are the same.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDbHandler
protected ezcDbHandler::$transactionErrorFlag
protected ezcDbHandler::$transactionNestingLevel

Method Summary

public static string getName( )
Returns 'mysql'.
public ezcDbHandlerMysql __construct( $dbParams )
Constructs a handler object from the parameters $dbParams.
public ezcUtilitiesMysql createUtilities( )
Returns a new ezcUtilities derived object for this database instance.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDbHandler
public ezcDbHandler ezcDbHandler::__construct()
Constructs a handler object.
public bool ezcDbHandler::beginTransaction()
Begins a transaction.
public bool ezcDbHandler::commit()
Commits a transaction.
public ezcQueryDelete ezcDbHandler::createDeleteQuery()
Returns a new ezcQueryDelete derived object for the correct database type.
public ezcQueryExpression ezcDbHandler::createExpression()
Returns a new ezcQueryExpression derived object for the correct database type.
public ezcQueryInsert ezcDbHandler::createInsertQuery()
Returns a new ezcQueryInsert derived object for the correct database type.
public ezcQuerySelect ezcDbHandler::createSelectQuery()
Returns a new ezcQuerySelect derived object for the correct database type.
public ezcQueryUpdate ezcDbHandler::createUpdateQuery()
Returns a new ezcQueryUpdate derived object for the correct database type.
public ezcDbUtilities ezcDbHandler::createUtilities()
Returns a new ezcUtilities derived object for the correct database type.
public string ezcDbHandler::quoteIdentifier()
Returns the quoted version of an identifier to be used in an SQL query.
public bool ezcDbHandler::rollback()
Rollback a transaction.



static string getName( )

Returns 'mysql'.


ezcDbHandlerMysql __construct( array $dbParams )

Constructs a handler object from the parameters $dbParams.

Supported database parameters are:

  • dbname|database: Database name
  • user|username: Database user name
  • pass|password: Database user password
  • host|hostspec: Name of the host database is running on
  • port: TCP port
  • charset: Client character set
  • socket: UNIX socket path
Name Type Description
$dbParams array Database connection parameters (key=>value pairs).
Type Description
ezcDbMissingParameterException if the database name was not specified.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbHandler::__construct() Constructs a handler object.


ezcUtilitiesMysql createUtilities( )

Returns a new ezcUtilities derived object for this database instance.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDbHandler::createUtilities() Returns a new ezcUtilities derived object for the correct database type.
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