Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcCacheStackReplacementStrategy


Interface ezcCacheStackReplacementStrategy

Interface to be implemented by stack replacement strategies.

This interface is to be implemented by replacement strategy classes, which can be configured to be used by an ezcCacheStack. The defined methods wrap around their counterparts on ezcCacheStackableStorage.

A replacement strategy must take care about the actual storing/restoring/deleting of cache items in the given storage. In addition it must take care about keeping the needed ezcCacheStackMetaData up to date and about purging data from the cache storage, if it runs full.

A replacement strategy must define its own meta data class which implements ezcCacheStackMetaData. It must check in each method call, that the given $metaData is of correct type. If this is not the case, ezcCacheInvalidMetaDataException must be throwen.

Source for this file: /Cache/src/interfaces/replacement_strategy.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static ezcCacheStackMetaData createMetaData( )
Returns a fresh meta data object.
public static array(string) delete( $conf , $metaData , $itemId , [ $itemAttributes = array()] , [ $search = false] )
Deletes the data with the given $itemId from the given $storage.
public static mixed restore( $conf , $metaData , $itemId , [ $itemAttributes = array()] , [ $search = false] )
Restores the data with the given $dataId from the storage given in $conf.
public static void store( $conf , $metaData , $itemId , $itemData , [ $itemAttributes = array()] )
Stores the given $itemData in the storage given in $conf.



static ezcCacheStackMetaData createMetaData( )

Returns a fresh meta data object.

Different replacement strategies will use different meta data classes. This method must return a freshly created instance of the meta data object used by this meta data.


static array(string) delete( ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration $conf , ezcCacheStackMetaData $metaData , string $itemId , [array(string=>string) $itemAttributes = array()] , [bool $search = false] )

Deletes the data with the given $itemId from the given $storage.

This method takes care about deleting the item identified by $itemId and optionally $itemAttributes from the ezcCacheStackableStorage give in $conf. The parameters $itemId, $itemAttributes and $search are therefore forwarded to ezcCacheStackableStorage::delete(). This method returns a list of all item IDs that have been deleted by the call. The method reflects these changes in $metaData.

Name Type Description
$conf ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration
$metaData ezcCacheStackMetaData
$itemId string
$itemAttributes array(string=>string)
$search bool
Type Description
ezcCacheInvalidMetaDataException if the given $metaData is not processable by this replacement strategy.


static mixed restore( ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration $conf , ezcCacheStackMetaData $metaData , string $itemId , [array(string=>string) $itemAttributes = array()] , [bool $search = false] )

Restores the data with the given $dataId from the storage given in $conf.

This method takes care of restoring the item with ID $itemId and optionally $itemAttributes from the ezcCacheStackableStorage given in $conf. The parameters $itemId, $itemAttributes and $search are forwarded to ezcCacheStackableStorage::restore(), the returned value (item data on successful restore, otherwise false) are returned by this method.

The method must take care that the restore process is reflected in $metaData according to the spcific replacement strategy implementation.

Name Type Description
$conf ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration
$metaData ezcCacheStackMetaData
$itemId string
$itemAttributes array(string=>string)
$search bool
Type Description
ezcCacheInvalidMetaDataException if the given $metaData is not processable by this replacement strategy.


static void store( ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration $conf , ezcCacheStackMetaData $metaData , string $itemId , mixed $itemData , [array(string=>string) $itemAttributes = array()] )

Stores the given $itemData in the storage given in $conf.

This method stores the given $itemData assigned to $itemId and optionally $itemAttributes in the ezcCacheStackableStorage given in $conf. In case the storage has reached the $itemLimit defined in $conf, it must be freed according to $freeRate ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration.

The freeing of items from the storage must first happen via ezcCacheStackableStorage::purge(), which removes outdated items from the storage and returns the affected IDs. In case this does not last to free the desired number of items, the replacement strategy specific algorithm for freeing takes effect.

After the necessary freeing process has been performed, the item is stored in the storage and the $metaData is updated accordingly.

Name Type Description
$conf ezcCacheStackStorageConfiguration
$metaData ezcCacheStackMetaData
$itemId string
$itemData mixed
$itemAttributes array(string=>string)
Type Description
ezcCacheInvalidMetaDataException if the given $metaData is not processable by this replacement strategy.
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