Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWorkflowSignalSlotPluginOptions


Class ezcWorkflowSignalSlotPluginOptions

Options class for ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization.

Source for this file: /WorkflowSignalSlotTiein/src/options/plugin.php

Version:   //autogen//


string read/write $afterExecutionCancelled
The signal that is emitted for the afterExecutionCancelled plugin hook.
string read/write $afterExecutionEnded
The signal that is emitted for the afterExecutionEnded plugin hook.
string read/write $afterExecutionResumed
The signal that is emitted for the afterExecutionResumed plugin hook.
string read/write $afterExecutionStarted
The signal that is emitted for the afterExecutionStarted plugin hook.
string read/write $afterExecutionSuspended
The signal that is emitted for the afterExecutionSuspended plugin hook.
string read/write $afterNodeActivated
The signal that is emitted for the afterNodeActivated plugin hook.
string read/write $afterNodeExecuted
The signal that is emitted for the afterNodeExecuted plugin hook.
string read/write $afterRolledBackServiceObject
The signal that is emitted for the afterRolledBackServiceObject plugin hook.
string read/write $afterThreadEnded
The signal that is emitted for the afterThreadEnded plugin hook.
string read/write $afterThreadStarted
The signal that is emitted for the afterThreadStarted plugin hook.
string read/write $afterVariableSet
The signal that is emitted for the afterVariableSet plugin hook.
string read/write $afterVariableUnset
The signal that is emitted for the afterVariableUnset plugin hook.
string read/write $beforeNodeActivated
The signal that is emitted for the beforeNodeActivated plugin hook.
string read/write $beforeVariableSet
The signal that is emitted for the beforeVariableSet plugin hook.
string read/write $beforeVariableUnset
The signal that is emitted for the beforeVariableUnset plugin hook.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array(
'afterExecutionStarted' => 'afterExecutionStarted',
'afterExecutionSuspended' => 'afterExecutionSuspended',
'afterExecutionResumed' => 'afterExecutionResumed',
'afterExecutionCancelled' => 'afterExecutionCancelled',
'afterExecutionEnded' => 'afterExecutionEnded',
'beforeNodeActivated' => 'beforeNodeActivated',
'afterNodeActivated' => 'afterNodeActivated',
'afterNodeExecuted' => 'afterNodeExecuted',
'afterRolledBackServiceObject' => 'afterRolledBackServiceObject',
'afterThreadStarted' => 'afterThreadStarted',
'afterThreadEnded' => 'afterThreadEnded',
'beforeVariableSet' => 'beforeVariableSet',
'afterVariableSet' => 'afterVariableSet',
'beforeVariableUnset' => 'beforeVariableUnset',
'afterVariableUnset' => 'afterVariableUnset',


Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.
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