Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTemplateTranslationProvider


Class ezcTemplateTranslationProvider

ezcTemplateTranslationProvider provides functions that are called from the template compiler to either translate strings, or convert them into code.

Source for this file: /TemplateTranslationTiein/src/provider.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public static string compile( $string , $context , $arguments )
Compiles the string $string from the context $context with $arguments as variables into executable code.
public static string translate( $string , $context , $arguments )
Translates the string $string from the context $context with $arguments as variables.



static string compile( string $string , string $context , array(string=>mixed) $arguments )

Compiles the string $string from the context $context with $arguments as variables into executable code.

This static method translates a string, but inserts special code as replacements for the variables.

Name Type Description
$string string
$context string
$arguments array(string=>mixed)


static string translate( string $string , string $context , array(string=>mixed) $arguments )

Translates the string $string from the context $context with $arguments as variables.

This static method is called whenever a template directly needs a translated string with the variables substituted.

Name Type Description
$string string
$context string
$arguments array(string=>mixed)
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