Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSystemInfoLinuxReader


Class ezcSystemInfoLinuxReader

Provide functionality to read system information from Linux systems.

Try to scan Linux system parameters on initialization and fill correspondent values.

Source for this file: /SystemInformation/src/readers/linux.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected int $cpuCount = null
Contains the amount of CPUs in system.
protected array(float) $cpuSpeed = null
Contains the speed of each CPU in MHz.
protected array(string) $cpuType = null
Contains the strings that represent type of CPU, for each CPU in sysytem. Type is taken directly from the OS and can vary a lot.
protected int $memorySize = null
Contains the amount of system memory the OS has, the value is in bytes.
protected string $readerName = 'Linux system info reader'
Contains string that represents reader in messages and exceptions.

Method Summary

public ezcSystemInfoLinuxReader __construct( )
Constructs ezcSystemInfoReader object and fill it with system information.
public float cpuSpeed( )
Returns string with CPU speed.
public string cpuType( )
Returns string with CPU type.
public int getCpuCount( )
Returns count of CPUs in system.
public bool isValid( $propertyName )
Returns true if the property $propertyName holds a valid value and false otherwise.
public int memorySize( )
Returns memory size in bytes.

Inherited Methods

From ezcSystemInfoReader
public abstract float ezcSystemInfoReader::cpuSpeed()
Returns CPU speed
public abstract string ezcSystemInfoReader::cpuType()
Returns string with CPU type.
public abstract int ezcSystemInfoReader::getCpuCount()
Returns number of CPUs in system.
public abstract bool ezcSystemInfoReader::isValid()
Returns true if the property $propertyName holds a valid value and false otherwise.
public abstract int ezcSystemInfoReader::memorySize()
Returns memory size in bytes.



ezcSystemInfoLinuxReader __construct( )

Constructs ezcSystemInfoReader object and fill it with system information.

Type Description
ezcSystemInfoReaderCantScanOSException If system variables can't be received from OS.


float cpuSpeed( )

Returns string with CPU speed.

Average CPU speed returned if there is several CPUs is system If the CPU speed could not be read null is returned.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcSystemInfoReader::cpuSpeed() Returns CPU speed


string cpuType( )

Returns string with CPU type.

If the CPU type could not be read null is returned.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcSystemInfoReader::cpuType() Returns string with CPU type.


int getCpuCount( )

Returns count of CPUs in system.

If the CPU speed could not be read false is returned.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcSystemInfoReader::getCpuCount() Returns number of CPUs in system.


bool isValid( string $propertyName )

Returns true if the property $propertyName holds a valid value and false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$propertyName string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcSystemInfoReader::isValid() Returns true if the property $propertyName holds a valid value and false otherwise.


int memorySize( )

Returns memory size in bytes.

If the memory size could not be read null is returned.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcSystemInfoReader::memorySize() Returns memory size in bytes.
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