Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSignalStaticConnections


Class ezcSignalStaticConnections

ezcSignalStaticConnections makes it possible to connect to signals through the signals identifier.

The static connections allow you to:

  • connect to a signal sent by any object signal collection with the same identifier. Usually the identifier is set to the name of the class holding the collection. Using the static connections you can connect to a signal sent by any object of that class.
  • connect to a signal that does not yet exist. This allows you to delay initialization of the emitting object until it is needed.

Source for this file: /SignalSlot/src/static_connections.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


array read/write $connections
Holds the internal structure of signals. The format is array( identifier => array( signalName => array(priority=>array(slots)) ) ). It can be both read and set in order to provide easy setup of the static connections from disk.

Method Summary

public static ezcConfigurationManager getInstance( )
Returns the instance of the ezcSignalStaticConnections..
public void connect( $identifier , $signal , $slot , [ $priority = 1000] )
Connects the signal $signal emited by any ezcSignalCollection with the identifier $identifier to the slot $slot.
public void disconnect( $identifier , $signal , $slot , [ $priority = null] )
Disconnects the $slot from the $signal with identifier $identifier..
public array(int=>array(callback)) getConnections( $identifier , $signal )
Returns all the connections for signals $signal in signal collections with the identifier $identifier.
public mixed __get( $name )
Returns the property $name.
public void __set( $name , $value )
Sets the property $name to $value.



static ezcConfigurationManager getInstance( )

Returns the instance of the ezcSignalStaticConnections..


void connect( string $identifier , string $signal , callback $slot , [int $priority = 1000] )

Connects the signal $signal emited by any ezcSignalCollection with the identifier $identifier to the slot $slot.

To control the order in which slots are called you can set a priority from 1 - 65 536. The lower the number the higher the priority. The default priority is 1000. Slots with the same priority may be called with in any order.

A slot will be called once for every time it is connected. It is possible to connect a slot more than once.

See the PHP documentation for examples on the callback type. http://php.net/callback

We reccommend avoiding excessive usage of the $priority parameter since it makes it much harder to track how your program works.

Name Type Description
$identifier string
$signal string
$slot callback
$priority int


void disconnect( string $identifier , string $signal , callback $slot , [int $priority = null] )

Disconnects the $slot from the $signal with identifier $identifier..

If the priority is given it will try to disconnect a slot with that priority. If no such slot is found no slot will be disconnected.

If no priority is given it will disconnect the matching slot with the lowest priority.

Name Type Description
$identifier string
$signal string
$slot callback
$priority int


array(int=>array(callback)) getConnections( string $identifier , string $signal )

Returns all the connections for signals $signal in signal collections with the identifier $identifier.

Name Type Description
$identifier string
$signal string
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSignalStaticConnectionsBase::getConnections() Returns all the connections for signals $signal in signal collections with the identifier $identifier.


mixed __get( string $name )

Returns the property $name.

Name Type Description
$name string
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist.


void __set( string $name , mixed $value )

Sets the property $name to $value.

Name Type Description
$name string
$value mixed
Type Description
ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist.
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