Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcToolsException


Class ezcMvcToolsException

This class provides the base exception for exception in the MvcTools component.

Source for this file: /MvcTools/src/exceptions/exception.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcMvcFilterHasNoOptionsException This exception is thrown when filter options are set, but the filter doesn't support options.
ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration Exception that is thrown if an invalid class is returned from any of the configuration methods of the ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher configuration.
ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException This exception is thrown when no route matches the request.
ezcMvcMissingRouteArgumentException This exception is thrown when a reverse route is requested with a missing argument
ezcMvcInfiniteLoopException This exception is thrown when there are more internal redirects than allowed.
ezcMvcNamedRouteNotReversableException This exception is thrown when a reverse route is requested on a route class that does not support it.
ezcMvcNoZonesException This exception is thrown when the createZones() method does not return any zones.
ezcMvcRegexpRouteException This exception is thrown when the prefix() method can't prefix the route's pattern.
ezcMvcInvalidEncodingException This exception is thrown when the recode filter detects an invalid input encoding.
ezcMvcActionNotFoundException This exception is thrown when no action method exists for a route.
ezcMvcNamedRouteNotFoundException This exception is thrown when a reverse route is requested with an unknown name.
ezcMvcFatalErrorLoopException This exception is thrown when a fatal error request generates another fatal error request.
ezcMvcControllerException This exception is thrown when an error in a controller occurs.
ezcMvcNoRoutesException This exception is thrown when the createRoutes() method does not return any routes.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException::$originalMessage

Method Summary

public void __construct( $message )
Constructs an ezcMvcToolsException

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException ezcBaseException::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message



void __construct( string $message )

Constructs an ezcMvcToolsException

Name Type Description
$message string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcBaseException::__construct() Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcMvcFilterHasNoOptionsException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcFilterHasNoOptionsException 
ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration::__construct() Constructs a new ezcMvcInvalidConfiguration exception for configuration $item 
ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException 
ezcMvcMissingRouteArgumentException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcMissingRouteArgumentException 
ezcMvcInfiniteLoopException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcInfiniteLoopException 
ezcMvcNamedRouteNotReversableException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcNamedRouteNotReversableException 
ezcMvcNoZonesException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcNoZonesException 
ezcMvcRegexpRouteException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcRegexpRouteException 
ezcMvcInvalidEncodingException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcInvalidEncodingException 
ezcMvcActionNotFoundException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcActionNotFoundException 
ezcMvcNamedRouteNotFoundException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcNamedRouteNotFoundException 
ezcMvcFatalErrorLoopException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcFatalErrorLoopException 
ezcMvcControllerException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcControllerException with $message 
ezcMvcNoRoutesException::__construct() Constructs an ezcMvcNoRoutesException 
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