Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentOptions


Class ezcDocumentOptions

Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocument

Source for this file: /Document/src/options/document.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcDocumentXmlOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentXmlBase
ezcDocumentBBCodeOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentBBCode.
ezcDocumentRstOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentRst.
ezcDocumentPdfOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentDocbook class.
ezcDocumentPdfFooterOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentDocbook class
ezcDocumentWikiOptions Class containing the basic options for the ezcDocumentWiki.


int read/write $errorReporting
Error reporting level. All errors with a severity greater or equel then the defined level are converted to exceptions. All other errors are just stored in errors property of the parser class.
bool read/write $validate
Validate the input document before the conversion.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array(
'errorReporting' => 15, // E_PARSE | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_NOTICE
'validate' => true,

Container to hold the properties

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.
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