Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaPhpArrayReader


Class ezcDbSchemaPhpArrayReader

Handler that reads database definitions and database difference definitions from a file containing a PHP variable.

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/handlers/php_array/reader.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public int getDiffReaderType( )
Returns what type of schema difference reader this class implements.
public int getReaderType( )
Returns what type of reader writer this class implements.
public ezcDbSchemaDiff loadDiffFromFile( $file )
Returns the database differences stored in the file $file
public ezcDbSchema loadFromFile( $file )
Returns the database schema stored in the file $file



int getDiffReaderType( )

Returns what type of schema difference reader this class implements.

This method always returns ezcDbSchema::FILE

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaDiffReader::getDiffReaderType() Returns what type of schema difference reader this class implements.


int getReaderType( )

Returns what type of reader writer this class implements.

This method always returns ezcDbSchema::FILE

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaReader::getReaderType() Returns what type of schema reader this class implements.


ezcDbSchemaDiff loadDiffFromFile( string $file )

Returns the database differences stored in the file $file

Name Type Description
$file string
Type Description
ezcDbSchemaInvalidSchemaException if the data in the $file is corrupt or when the file could not be opened.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if the file $file could not be found.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaDiffFileReader::loadDiffFromFile() Returns an ezcDbSchemaDiff object created from the differences stored in the file $file


ezcDbSchema loadFromFile( string $file )

Returns the database schema stored in the file $file

Name Type Description
$file string
Type Description
ezcDbSchemaInvalidSchemaException if the data in the $file is corrupt or when the file could not be opened.
ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if the file $file could not be found.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDbSchemaFileReader::loadFromFile() Returns an ezcDbSchema with the definition from $file
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