Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDbSchemaOracleReader


Class ezcDbSchemaOracleReader

Handler for Oracle connections representing a DB schema.

Source for this file: /DatabaseSchema/src/handlers/oracle/reader.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static string convertToGenericType( $typeString , &$typeLength , $typePrecision , $typeLength )
Converts the native Oracle type in $typeString to a generic DbSchema type.
protected ezcDbSchema fetchSchema( )
Loops over all the tables in the database and extracts schema information.
protected array(string=>ezcDbSchemaField) fetchTableFields( $tableName )
Fetch fields definition for the table $tableName
protected array(string=>ezcDbSchemaIndex) fetchTableIndexes( $tableName )
Loops over all the indexes in the table $table and extracts information.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlReader
public int ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlReader::getReaderType()
Returns what type of schema reader this class implements.
public ezcDbSchema ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlReader::loadFromDb()
Returns an ezcDbSchema created from the database schema in the database referenced by $db
protected ezcDbSchema ezcDbSchemaCommonSqlReader::processSchema()
Loops over all the table names in the array and extracts schema information.



static string convertToGenericType( string $typeString , &$typeLength , int $typePrecision , int $typeLength )

Converts the native Oracle type in $typeString to a generic DbSchema type.

This method converts a string like "VARCHAR2" to the generic DbSchema type and uses parameters $typeLength and $typePrecision to detect emulated types char(1) == 'boolean', number(N) == "decimal".

Name Type Description
$typeString string
$typeLength int
$typePrecision int


ezcDbSchema fetchSchema( )

Loops over all the tables in the database and extracts schema information.

This method extracts information about a database's schema from the database itself and returns this schema as an ezcDbSchema object.


array(string=>ezcDbSchemaField) fetchTableFields( string $tableName )

Fetch fields definition for the table $tableName

This method loops over all the fields in the table $tableName and returns an array with the field specification. The key in the returned array is the name of the field.

Name Type Description
$tableName string


array(string=>ezcDbSchemaIndex) fetchTableIndexes( string $tableName )

Loops over all the indexes in the table $table and extracts information.

This method extracts information about the table $tableName's indexes from the database and returns this schema as an array of ezcDbSchemaIndex objects. The key in the array is the index' name.

Name Type Description
$tableName string
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