Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcQuerySqliteFunctions


Class ezcQuerySqliteFunctions

The ezcQueryExpressionSqlite class is used to create SQL expression for SQLite.

This class reimplements the methods that have a different syntax in SQLite (substr) and contains PHP implementations of functions that are registered with SQLite with it's PDO::sqliteRegisterFunction() method.

Source for this file: /Database/src/sqlabstraction/implementations/query_sqlite_function_implementations.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public static integer ceilImpl( $number )
Returns the next highest integer value from the number
public static string concatImpl( )
Returns a concattenation of the data that SQLite's concat() function receives.
public static integer floorImpl( $number )
Returns the next lowest integer value from the number
public static string md5Impl( $data )
Returns the md5 sum of the data that SQLite's md5() function receives.
public static string modImpl( $dividend , $divisor )
Returns the modules of the data that SQLite's mod() function receives.
public static integer positionImpl( $substr , $value )
Returns the SQL to locate the position of the first occurrence of a substring
public static integer toUnixTimestampImpl( $spec )
Returns the unix timestamp belonging to a date/time spec



static integer ceilImpl( numeric $number )

Returns the next highest integer value from the number

Name Type Description
$number numeric


static string concatImpl( )

Returns a concattenation of the data that SQLite's concat() function receives.


static integer floorImpl( numeric $number )

Returns the next lowest integer value from the number

Name Type Description
$number numeric


static string md5Impl( string $data )

Returns the md5 sum of the data that SQLite's md5() function receives.

Name Type Description
$data string


static string modImpl( numeric $dividend , numeric $divisor )

Returns the modules of the data that SQLite's mod() function receives.

Name Type Description
$dividend numeric
$divisor numeric


static integer positionImpl( string $substr , string $value )

Returns the SQL to locate the position of the first occurrence of a substring

Name Type Description
$substr string
$value string


static integer toUnixTimestampImpl( string $spec )

Returns the unix timestamp belonging to a date/time spec

Name Type Description
$spec string
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