Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcBasePersistable


Interface ezcBasePersistable

This class provides the interface that classes need to implement to be able to be used by the PersistentObject and Search components.

Source for this file: /Base/src/interfaces/persistable.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcCacheStackMetaData Interface for stack meta data.

Method Summary

public ezcBasePersistable __construct( )
The constructor for the object needs to be able to accept no arguments.
public array(string=>mixed) getState( )
Returns all the object's properties so that they can be stored or indexed.
public void setState( $properties )
Accepts an array containing data for one or more of the class' properties.



ezcBasePersistable __construct( )

The constructor for the object needs to be able to accept no arguments.

The data is later set through the setState() method.


array(string=>mixed) getState( )

Returns all the object's properties so that they can be stored or indexed.


void setState( $properties )

Accepts an array containing data for one or more of the class' properties.

Name Type Description
$properties array
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